Assignment #2, 8 May 1997, due 27 May 1997
This assignment covers material for the requirements portion of the
You may work in pairs, and the assignment is worth 10% of the grade in the
course (see introductory
handout). I prefer it if you submit your assignment
electronically, although it's your call. Ideally, you could send
me a URL to a web page with the solutions.
- (20 points) Critique a real specification in terms of
designations/definitions, in terms of optative/indicative properties,
and other properties we discussed in lecture on May 6. Here are some
suggested specifications:
But other specifications are OK, as long as I can get a copy (from you
or from the net, for instance).
Are there fundamental changes you would suggest if the specification
were re-written?
- (10 points) Write a Statechart for some simple machine you use
frequently, such as a microwave, a CD player, etc. Select an
appropriate level of detail.
Briefly compare and contrast the Statechart specification to the usual
natural language specification for this machine.
- (10 points)
In no more than a few paragraphs, argue whether or not
requirement specifications must necessarily be handled differently for
shrinkwrap software (say, desktop applications) than for contract
software (say, avionics software that is not safety critical).
- (10 points) Describe a situation in which you think using
a specification like Z might be appropriate and of value. (Don't
beg off the question by claiming you can't imagine one.)