Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation


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Table of Contents

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goal of this talk

format of this talk

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the engineering challenge

problem decomposition

solution construction & composition

design & implementation

“clean separation of concerns”

achieving this requires...

the “component”1 concept


procedural programming

summary so far

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a distributed digital library

the component structure

the class graph

the code

all is well

a distributed digital library

minimizing network load

minimizing network load

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emergent entities

emergent entities

emergent entities

are tough to handle because...

cross-cutting the components

but, but, but...


just try it

what it says

how it says it



assume a…

general claim

emergent entities

the “aspect” concept

“aspect languages”

summary so far

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AspectJ is…

a data transfer aspect language

referring to the emergent entity

copy transfer mode

gref transfer mode

direct transfer mode

the aspect language cross-cuts OOP

aspect composition cross-cuts too

more on cross-cutting

what this is and isn’t

a coordination aspect language

fits object-oriented modularity

cross-cuts object-oriented modularity

status of AspectJ

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what aspect weavers do

for example

“frob every method call”

domain transforms

reflection links two domains

aspect weavers

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an analogy

different kinds of picture

a distributed digital library

different kinds of picture

different kinds of program

objects & aspects

object & aspect programs

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Author: Valued Gateway 2000 Customer


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