Winter Quarter 2001 CSE 584 (Software Engineering) PMP Students:

First, let me remind you the initial class meeting is Tuesday, January 2. Hopefully you will experience a quick recovery from your New Years and Rose Bowl celebrations.

The readings for the Winter Quarter Software Engineering Course will be in the form of a Reading Packet. To save you an extra trip to campus, we will distribute the course packs in class. The cost to each student is $32.46 which covers the expense of publication.

I will be on campus for class on January 2nd and in classroom at Microsoft on January 9th to collect your checks and distribute the packets. David Notkin has assured me that it will be fine for students to receive the packs in the second week of class. Checks should be made out to the UW.

In the second week and beyond the course packs will be available to students before class on campus. I am always happy to make special arrangements for distance students, but would much prefer we get all the distribution out of the way in the first two weeks. For accounting reasons a check must be received before a course pack can be given out to a student.

I will contact Intel students individually to discuss distribution of their packets.

Please let me know if you need any additional information regarding the reading packets.
