Due: Monday, June 9, at 11:00 pm. No late assignments will be accepted after that time.
Turn in your project using the assignment dropbox
The purpose of this final part of the project is to complete the compiler by adding code generation and implementing the runtime support needed to execute the generated x86 assembly code. We suggest that you use the simple code generation strategy outlined in class to be sure of finishing the project, although you are free to do something different (i.e., better) if you have time. Whatever strategy you use, remember that simple, correct, and working is better than clever, complex, and not done. You will get much more out of the project if you have correct, simple implementations of most of the language rather than a broken, optimized implementations of a fragment.
Code generation incorporates many more-or-less independent tasks. One of the first things to do is figure out what to implement first, what to put off, and how to test your code as you go. The following sections outline one reasonable way to break the job down into smaller parts. We suggest that you tackle the job in roughly this order so you can get something working quickly, and add to it incrementally until you're done. Your experience implementing the first parts of the code generator also should give you insights that will ease implementation of the rest.
Implement code generation for arithmetic expressions involving integer constants, the MiniJava System.out.println
statement, and the basic prologue and return code for the MiniJava main
method. This will give you enough to compile and run main programs that print the value of an integer expression.
Next, try implementing objects with methods, but without instance variables, method parameters, or local variables. This includes:
(i.e., allocate an object with a method table pointer, but
no fields) Once you've gotten this far, you
should be able to run programs that create objects and call their methods.
These methods can contain System.out.println
statements to verify that objects
are created and that evaluation and printing of arithmetic expressions works
in this context.
Next try adding:
This involves:
, and if
statementsAdd the remaining code for classes that don't extend other classes, including calculating object sizes and assigning offsets to instance variables, and access to instance variables in expressions and as the targets of assignments. At this point, you should be able to compile and execute substantial programs.
The main issue here is generating the right object layouts and method tables for extended classes, including handling method overriding properly. Once you've done that, dynamic dispatching of method calls should work, and you will have almost all of MiniJava working.
We suggest you leave this until the end, since you can get everything else working without it.
Whatever is left, including any extensions you've added to the project, or items like storable Boolean values, which are not essential to the rest of the project.
As discussed in class, the easiest way to run the compiled x86 code is to call it from a trivial C program. That ensures that the stack is properly set up when the compiled code begins, and provides a convenient place to put other functions that provide an interface between the compiled code and the external world.
We have provided a small bootstrap program, boot.c
, that we suggest you start with. Feel free
to embellish this code as you wish. In particular, you may find that it is
sometimes easier to have your compiler generate code that calls a C runtime
function to do something instead of generating the full sequence of instructions
directly in the assembly code. You can add such functions to the
If your group is targeting Linux, your compiler should output GNU assembly code.
To create an executable from boot.c
and some
assembly program generated by your compiler (test.s
), simply
gcc -o executable_name boot.c test.s
If you developing on a 64-bit platform, you need to pass the flag
to gcc to force it to generate 32-bit code. Note that this
will not work on attu -- you'll have to use attu32.cs, which is still running a
32-bit version of Linux.
You can also use GCC to look at examples of assembly code. This is useful if you want to find a set of instructions to implement some operation, but don't want to spend the rest of your life reading Intel manuals.
gcc -S foo.c
This will compile foo.c
into foo.s
, which you can open
in an editor and inspect.
We've included a sample assembly program, demo.s
, which will give you an idea of what you
should emit. This is not a from a real MiniJava program, and your compiler will
likely emit much more naive code, but it can serve as a good starting point.
If your group is targeting Windows, your compiler should output MASM assembly code.
The process for executing MASM code is a little more complex. First, you must set up your command line environment to be able to use the Visual Studio command line tools. If you have a full version of Visual Studio, you may have something named "Visual Studio Command Prompt" (or similar) in your start menu. If this is the case, you will likely be able to just start it and skip the next part of the instructions.
In my installation of Visual Studio Express, there is a script called
located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft
Visual Studio 12.0\VC
Navigate to this directory (or a similar one on
your installation) in Command Prompt and run this script. Now, you should be
able to run the commands cl
, ml
, and
. I have not succeeded in getting this to work in PowerShell or
Cygwin, but if you do, please post on the message board and explain how.
Assuming that you have boot.c
and some
assembly file, say, test.asm
cl /c boot.c
ml /c test.asm
link test.obj boot.obj
Just as with GCC, you can use cl
to see examples of generated assembly code.
cl /c /Fa foo.c
This will compile foo.c
into foo.asm
. The
flag means "compile only." This will also generate
. If you find a flag that suppresses this output, please let
me know.
We've included a sample assembly program, demo.asm
, which will give you an idea of what
you should emit. This is not a from a real MiniJava program, and your compiler
will likely emit much more naive code, but it can serve as a good starting
If you have any suggestions on how to improve this process, please post on the message board.
: When called, this should do whatever
compilation steps are needed. Most likely, this will just call ant
, your program
should not produce any extraneous debugging output. It should only
produce the output that the original program would produce if run in
file, with any modifications you have seen fit to
make, should be in your src
directory. To be clear, from the root
of your archive file, it will be located in minijava/src/boot.c
ant clean
(or equivalent) before turning in your
code to avoid turning in all your build artifacts. Similarly, please avoid
turning in your entire .git folder, or the equivalent for whatever VCS you're