CSE P 501 Sp14 Homework 3 -
LL Grammars
Due: Monday, April 21 at 11 pm. Please use the dropbox to
submit your homework online. Please submit your work as some combination of PDF,
plaintext, and PNG files. Please do not submit doc/docx files. You may submit a
scanned copy of handwritten work, as long as it is legible and in one of the
formats mentioned above. We suggest you show your work to help us award partial
credit if appropriate, and for TA sanity. You should do this assignment
- (Cooper & Torczon Sec. 3.3 ex. 5, 2nd ed / ex. 2, 1st ed) Consider the following grammar:
A ::= B a
B ::= dab
B ::= C b
C ::= c B
C ::= A c
Does this grammar satisfy the LL(1) condition? Justify your answer. If it does not, change the grammar to make it LL(1) without changing the language that it describes.
- This homework question is being postponed for a week. Do not turn
it in with this homework assignment
Write a grammar that accepts the language of straight-line code - no IFs
or LOOPs - given below, but that is suitable for LL(1) parsing. That is,
eliminate the ambiguity, eliminate the left recursion, and (if necessary)
S ::= S ; S
S ::= id := E
S ::= print( L )
E ::= id
E ::= num
E ::= E + E
E ::= ( S, E )
L ::= E
L ::= L , E
- This is problem 3 from homework 2, which has been
The following is a grammar that generates epithets (E). An epithet is a
description (D). A description can be either a trait (T) or a simile (S).
Similies are of the form "trait like animal" (A).
(Note: please refer to slides E36 - E43, available here)
E ::= D
D ::= T | S
S ::= T like A
T ::= quick | strong
A ::= bunny | ox
- Construct the LR(0) state diagram and parse table for this grammar.
- Calculate FIRST, FOLLOW, and nullable for each non-terminal.
- Construct the SLR parse table.
- Is this grammar LR(0)? SLR?