In fairness to everyone, all projects are due by the cutoff given in the final part of the assignment. Your report should describe the project that you turned in by the deadline. However, there is always the "last" bug. If you want to make some additional changes to the code and discuss them in your report and at the meeting, we may be able to take small bug fixes into account in evaluating the project - even if these fixes have major effects. But large changes to the project after the deadline, while they may be very useful for your learning, cannot fairly be evaluated as if they were turned by the deadline, and the evaluation will be based on the code you turn in on time.
Please write a brief (a couple of pages should be more than enough) summary of your project describing:
Your report should discuss the entire project, not just the code generation part, so we can use it to help evaluate the overall outcome. You should turn in your report using the online dropbox by 11 pm, Monday, Dec. 12. Each group should turn in a single report. Please use some common document format - word and pdf are best since they're the most widely portable. Plain ascii is barbaric, but tolerable.
Department of Pedantry Department: Please write the following at the top of the first page of your report:
CSE P 501 Project Report Autumn 2011
<scheduled meeting day, time>
Please expand the nonterminals <names>, <uwnetids>, etc. with your actual names, uw netids, and meeting information as appropriate. Don't include a separate cover page.
Plan on meeting with the instructor for 20 minutes during finals week to discuss your project. Meetings will be scheduled for afternoons and evenings on Tuesday, December 13 at Microsoft in the room next to our regular classroom, and on Thursday, December 15 at UW in room CSE 548. Watch for separate email with details on signups, and please sign up for a single 20-minute slot. If none of the posted times can be made to work, it may be possible to schedule other times; contact the instructor if this is a problem.
Please bring a copy of your report with you and anything else you wish to show. It could be useful if you had your project code and sample programs available on a laptop for browsing during the meeting, but this is not required. This isn't a formal presentation, i.e., don't waste time preparing PowerPoint slides or anything like that. If at all possible, everyone in your group should be at the meeting.
That's it! Have a great winter break!