In fairness to everyone, all projects are due by the cutoff given in the final part of the assignment. Your report should describe the project that you turned in by the deadline (see next section for report details). However, there is always the "last" bug. If you want to make some additional changes to the code and discuss them in your report and at the meeting, we may be able to take these into account in evaluating the project, particularly if the changes are small bug fixes. However, large changes to the project after the deadline, while they may be very useful for your learning, cannot fairly be treated as if they were turned in on time.
Be sure to turn in the complete sources to your project, as well as test programs and samples of assembly code generated by your compiler. You should include a brief readme file with instructions about how to build and run your compiler in the files that you turn in (not in the report).
Please write a brief (a few pages are enough) summary of your project describing
Your report should discuss the entire project, not just the code generation part, so we can use it to help evaluate the overall outcome. Bring your writeup with you to your project meeting.
Plan on meeting with the course staff for 20 minutes to discuss your project by the end of finals week, December 12-16. It will also be possible to meet before that for groups that want to finish early. Details about scheduling and available times will be discussed in class and added here once they are settled.
Please bring a copy of your report with you. This isn't a formal presentation (i.e., don't waste time preparing a PowerPoint presentation or anything like that). If at all possible, everyone in your group should be at the meeting.
That's it! Have a great winter break!