Due: Wednesday, November 9, by 11 pm. Turn in your project using this online turnin form.
Add semantic actions to your parser to create an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of the program. For this assignment, just build the AST. Semantic analysis and type checking will come next. In addition to building the AST, you should implement the Visitor pattern and use it to print a nicely indented representation of the tree. Don't worry about excessively long lines, but have each complete statement start out on a new line, indented to show the relative nesting of the statements in each method. Also, don't worry abut reproducing all of the syntactic details of the original program. It's fine to omit curly braces ({}) and semicolons if you want, since the indenting will show the structure. If it is more convenient, you can print the tree with the root at the bottom instead of the top.
The tree should represent the abstract structure of the code, not the concrete syntax. Nodes for nonterminals should contain references to nodes representing non-trivial component parts of the nonterminal, i.e., the non-trivial symbols on the righthand side of an abstract grammar rule. Trivial symbols like semicolons, braces, and parentheses should not be represented in the AST, and chain productions (like Expression->Term->Factor->Identifier) should not appear unless they convey useful semantic information.
Each node in the tree should be an instance of a Java class corresponding to a rule in the abstract grammar. The abstract grammar should be as simple as possible, but no simpler. For instance, there should almost certainly be only one node type for conditional statements, even though the else part of an if statement is optional.
The classes defining the different abstract syntax tree nodes should take
advantage of the Java class hierarchy to build a strongly-typed, self-describing
There should be a handful of abstract classes and/or interfaces for major nonterminals
like Stmt
and Exp
. Extend these classes to represent different productions
in the abstract grammar, such as specific kinds of statements. For convenience,
each class should contain a constructor that initializes appropriate fields
a node when
it is created as part of a semantic action in the parser. Each class
should also contain an appropriate toString()
method that yields
a readable form of that node including, in simple cases like a single statement
or expression,
its children. For higher-level constructs like a block, it's probably easiest
if toString() returns a fairly short string describing the block,
leaving it to a Visitor pattern to print the statements in the block if desired,
indented on succeeding
We suggest that you take advantage of the MiniJava AST description at the end of chapter 4 of Appel as a starting place for your code, and take advantage of the starter code on the MiniJava project web page on the book web site.
Your main program for this phase of the project should execute the parser and build an AST, then print the AST using the Visitor pattern.
Turn in the following fiiles:
At this point, it probably will be much easier to turn in a single archive (jar, tar, or zip) file containing your entire project, rather than trying to turn in the files by selecting them one at a time using the turnin form.
If you are working with others, you should turn in only one copy per group with everyone's name on it, listed in the same order as before.