Due date: Tuesday, Oct 16th at 11:59pm.
Objectives: Learn how to use a shared-nothing, relational database management system (DBMS) offered as a cloud service. We will use Amazon Redshift on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. In the assignment, we will set-up Redshift clusters, ingest data, and execute simple queries.
Assignment tools:Amazon Redshift on Amazon Web Services
Amazon Redshift is a very expensive cloud service. For that reason, the assignment will not use datasets nor clusters that are very large. Additionally, we will use the free trial of the service.
To enter the free trial:
IMPORTANT The Amazon Redshift free trial is limited to the DC2.Large node type. Please use ONLY those instance types in this assignment. Since we are using Redshift Spectrum to query data directly from s3 in this assignment use us-west-2. This restriction of region does not apply if you are doing the alternative assignment using RDS.
ALTERNATIVE If you already tried Redshift before and no longer qualify for the free tier or if you do not wish to create your own AWS account but want to stick with using AWS Educate Classroom, you may complete the assignment using RDS instead of Redshift. Go here for directions on alternative assigment using RDS.
What to turn in: You will turn in SQL for the queries, run time for each query, number of rows returned and first two rows from the result set (or all rows if a query returns fewer than 2 rows). You should also submit a brief discussion of the query runtimes that you observed in different settings. Submit everything as a single pdf or docx file.
How to submit the assignment: In your gitlab repository, you should see a directory called hw1. Put your report in that directory. Remember to git add, git commit, and git push. You can add your report early and keep updating it and pushing it as you do more work. We will collect the final version after the deadline passes. If you need extra time on an assignment, let us know. This is a graduate course, so we are reasonably flexible with deadlines but please do not overuse this flexibility. Use extra time only when you truly need it.
In this Assignment you will be required to deploy a Redshift cluster, ingest data and run some queries on this data.
A. Setting up Amazon Redshift (0 points)
B. Ingest Data into Amazon Redshift (0 points)
C. Run Queries: Run each query multiple times. Plot the average and either min/max or standard deviation. Use the warm cache timing, which means you discard the first time the query is run. Go to the Query tab on the AWS web console for your redshift cluster to view the runtime of the queries.
Run queries from (1) on the 10GB dataset. You can remove the 1GB data by executing DELETE FROM table_name
for each table. Note
that you will run more queries on the 1GB dataset below. You may want to do those questions first.
After you delete the 1GB dataset, load the 10GB dataset.
The lineitem table is the largest table for the 10 GB dataset.
Load this table from parallel file segments instead of the single file. The data for this table is divided into 10 segments.
They are named lineitem.tbl.1, lineitem.tbl.2... lineitem.tbl.10 in the bucket s3://uwdb/tpch/uniform/10GB-split/ (15 points)
Run queries from (1) on the 10 GB dataset but this time increase the cluster size from 2 to 4 nodes. To do this, you can either create a new, larger cluster or you can use the cluster resize feature available from the AWS console.
A customer is considered a Gold customer if they have orders totalling more than $1,000,000.00. Customers with orders totalling between $1,000,000.00 and $500,000.00 are considered Silver. Write a SQL query to compute the number of customers in these two categories. Try different methods of writing the query (only SQL or use a UDF or a View to categorize a user). Discuss your experience with the various methods to carry out such analysis. Use the 1GB data set and the 2-node cluster. (10 points)
Query data on s3 vs local data: re-run the queries from (1) on the 10GB data set on S3. S3 data is located in s3://uwdb/tpch/athena/ with a folder for each of the following tables: customer, supplier, orders, region, nation, part, partsupp & lineitem. The data is in textfile format and the delimiter is the pipe character(|). e.g. s3 location of the data for the lineitem relation would be s3://uwdb/tpch/athena/linitem/. (15 points)
In this alternative for the assignment you will deploy an instance of AWS RDS, ingest data, and run some queries on this data. This alternative is provided for students who do not wish to run a Redshift cluster. Amazon RDS deployment can use credits provided in AWS Educate. Directions for getting started with RDS are available at: Getting started with RDS.
For this assignment you need to setup RDS with a single instance of PostgreSQL (choose m3.large instance type), ingest data and run some queries. Alternatively you can try MySQL or Aurora. Information on how to import data in a delimited file in S3 to a RDS instance are available at: Importing data to RDS from S3 with data pipeline.
The due date and instructions for what to turn in and how to turn in the assignment remain the same. Additionally, please specify what type of RDS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Aurora) database you used. We tested the assignment with PostgreSQL but you are welcome to try one of the other systems. Remember the data files in s3 use | as the delimiting character. The s3 buckets are located in us-west-2 or Oregon region.
Deploy an instance of Amazon RDS. You can choose Postgres, Aurora or MySQL.
Ingest the 1GB TPC-H dataset. This data-set is in S3 at s3://uwdb/tpch/uniform/1GB/ with a seperate file for each of the tables, eg. customer.tbl, supplier.tbl etc. You will need to create the same eight tables specified here.