Lecture 1: intro
+------+ proof +------+
| spec | <-------> | code |
+------+ +------+
Today’s plan
- class
- history
- overview
- workflow
- discussion: safe kernel extensions
Class structure
- background & introduction
- goals
- precisely specify systems behavior
- find programming abstractions suitable for reasoning
- focus: understanding spec/code/proof (in addition to ideas in papers)
- schedule
- weeks 1-3: crash course on verification tools
- weeks 4-10: paper discussion
- lecture/discussion
- design questions/hands-on assignments
- lead discussions
- sign up due tomorrow
- assignments
- hands-on assignments
- paper questions due before lecture
- projects
- proposal due in week 3
- checkpoint due in week 7
- paper due & demo in finals week
- grading
- 20% participation + 20% assignments + 60% projects
- no late days
- some examples of efforts
- compilers
- 1967: Correctness of a compiler for arithmetical expressions, McCarthy & Painter
- 1972: Proving compiler correctness in a mechanized logic, Milner & Weyhrauch
- 2009: CompCert
- OS kernels
- 197x-1980: UCLA Unix security kernel - finished 90%+ spec and 20%- proof
- 198x: Kit
- 2009: seL4
- what does verification provide
- a mechanical proof that the impl “meets” the spec
- assume a correct proof checker
- cost
- verification effort, run-time performance, compability, learning curve
- seL4: “about 25–30 person years, to do this again it would be about 10 person years”
- recent advance in SMT
- still requires substantial human efforts
- Ironclad: 3 person-years for 6500 lines of implementation code
- questions
- does verification actually improve end-to-end correctness?
- is verified code just too simple and unlikely to have bugs anyway?
- whether/when/how to apply verification techniques to building systems?
- example: develop a little-endian serializer/deserializer for 16-bit integers
- encode: n → bytes
- decode: bytes → n
- what’s the specification?
- spec v0: forall 16-bit integer n, decode(encode(n)) == n
- what bugs cannot be captured?
- is this good enough?
- verification: check if a given implementation meets the spec
- code: le16.c
- exhaustive testing: check the condition for n from 0 to 65535
- apply rewriting rules: show LLVM
result constant true
- search for proofs
- in the input space: check a claim is true for every input; easier to automate; boundedness
- in the “rewriting” space - rewrite the claim to true; harder to automate
- survey - choose a tool to do this problem
- spec v1: like spec v0, but for machine code
- how to describe a more complex system
- layers & refinement: will see a lot of examples this quarter
- spec complexity
- how about spec about the little endian details
- how about spec about just memory safety
- once verified, how to turn code into executables?
- performance & TCB
- example projects?
- interpretation - rarely used due to performance issues
- Z3py → Python
- Rosette → Racket
- Coq/Gallina → Eval compute in …
- extraction
- Coq/Gallina to OCaml/Haskell
- Dafny → C# → MSIL
- DSL in Coq → OCaml/Haskell
- DSL in Coq → asm
- DSL in Rosette → C/C++
- parsing
- C → clightgen → Coq
- C → c-parser → Simpl in Isabelle/HOL
- verified compiler
- C → CompCert → asm
- BPF → CompCert → asm
- translation validation
- proof-carrying code
Discussion: safe kernel extensions
- problem: isolation - running untrusted code in kernel
- approach: don’t do it - just run code in user space
- performance issues
- kernel as the security mediator
- other approaches: SFI, type-safe language, hypervisor, proof-carrying code
- approach: verification
- what to verify: MinVisor, ARMor, RockSalt, Jitk
- what’s the TCB in each case