CSE599w Winter 2010: OSs and the Web
Paper reading list

Browser Architecture: Current and Future

Wednesday, January 13

No class on Monday, January 18

Wednesday, January 20

Monday, January 25

Wednesday, Jan 27


Monday, February 1st

Wednesday, February 3rd


Wednesday, Feburary 17th

Student-driven discussions

For each topic, your job is to:
  1. pick the set of papers the class will read,
  2. identify the summary question for others to post, and put it up on the discussion board at least two nights before the class (earlier if possible),
  3. divvy up the topic and prep about ~20mins each of material to lead. Feel free to use powerpoint, or if you feel more daring, to attempt more of a free-form discussion. (be forewarned -- the latter is much more risky!)

Monday, February 22nd

Web programming -- HTML5+javascript, silverlight, flash/air
Wednesday, February 24

Browser extensions and plugins
Monday, March 1st

Debugging distributed apps, web apps
Wednesday, March 3rd

Web Identity and Authentication
Monday, March 8th

Forensics and Audit Trails
Wednesday, March 10th