CSE599w Winter 2010: OSs and the Web
Paper reading list
Architecture: Current and Future
Wednesday, January 13
No class on Monday, January 18
Wednesday, January 20
- Reis and Gribble. Isolating
Web Programs in Modern Browser Architectures. Proceedings of the
4th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2009),
Nuremberg, Germany, March 2009. Process-oriented browsers and
their challenges, particularly in defining what a the boundaries of
a "web applicationq" really are.
- Cox, Hansen, Gribble, Levy. A
Safety-Oriented Platform for Web Applications. Proceedings of
the 2006 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland, CA, May
2006. A very different take on what a Web application could
Monday, January 25
- Grier, Tang, and King. Secure web browsing with the OP
web browser. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Symposium on Security
and Privacy (Oakland), May 2008. Another cut at secure browser
- Wang, Grier, Moshchuk, King, Choudhury, Venter. The Multi-Principal OS Construction of
the Gazelle Web Browser, Proceedings of the 2009 Usenix Security
Symposium, August 2009. ditto
Wednesday, Jan 27
- M. Frans Kaashoek, Dawson R. Engler, Gregory R. Ganger, Hector
M. Briceno, Russell Hunt, David Mazieres, Thomas Pinckney, Robert
Grimm, John Jannotti, and Kenneth Mackenzie. Application Performance and
Flexibility on Exokernel Systems, Proceedings of the 16th ACM
Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, October 1997.
a research view on extensibility in OSs; this didn't come to
- Bennet Yee, David Sehr, Greg Dardyk, Brad Chen, Robert Muth,
Tavis Ormandy, Shiki Okasaka, Neha Narula, Nicholas and Fullagar.
Native Client: A Sandbox for
Portable, Untrusted x86 Native Code, IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy (Oakland '09), 2009. one possible
dimension of extensibility and plugins in future browsers.
Monday, February 1st
- Yasushi Saito and Marc Shapiro,
Optimistic Replication, ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 37, Issue
1, March 2005. A survey paper on optimistic replication
Wednesday, February 3rd
- Roxana Geambasu, Cherie Cheung, Alexander Moshchuk, Steven
D. Gribble, and Henry M. Levy. Organizing and Sharing Distributed
Personal Web-Service Data, Proceedings of WWW 2008, Beijing,
China, April 2008. One view of cloud-managed data.
- Maxwell Krohn, Alex Yip, Micah Brodsky, Robert Morris, and
Michael Walfish. A World Wide Web Without
Walls, Proceedings of HotNets 2007. A more subversive
(liberal?) view of cloud-managed data.
Wednesday, Feburary 17th
- Andrew Tanenbaum and Robbert van Renesse. Distributed Operating
Systems, ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 17, Number 4, December
1985. Perspective on distributed operating systems
circa 1985; interesting to compare with the Web and its
major concerns.
Student-driven discussions
For each topic, your job is to:
- pick the set of papers the class will read,
- identify the summary question for others to post, and put it up
on the discussion board at least two nights before the class
(earlier if possible),
- divvy up the topic and prep about ~20mins each of material to
lead. Feel free to use powerpoint, or if you feel more daring,
to attempt more of a free-form discussion. (be forewarned --
the latter is much more risky!)
Monday, February 22nd
- Leads: David Richardson, Mark Zbikowski
- Reading: Michael M. Swift, Brian N. Bershad, and Henry M. Levy.
the Reliability of Commodity Operating Systems. SOSP 2003.
Making modern OSs robust against faulty device drivers...similar
issues will come up when exposing local devices to browsers.
Web programming -- HTML5+javascript, silverlight, flash/air
Wednesday, February 24
- Leads: Sam Guarnieri, Carl Hartung, and Lisa Glendenning.
- Reading:
Browser extensions and plugins
Monday, March 1st
- Leads: Amit Levy, Dan Halperin, and Ivan Beschastnikh
- Reading:
Debugging distributed apps, web apps
Wednesday, March 3rd
- Leads: Yingyi Bu, Yaw Anokwa, and Tomas Isdal
- Reading:
Web Identity and Authentication
Monday, March 8th
- Leads: Karl Kosher, Franzi Roesner, and Ivayla Dermendjieva
- Reading: Read all four; two of them are quite short, but all
are useful.
Forensics and Audit Trails
Wednesday, March 10th
- Leads: Roxana Geambasu, Mike Piatek, and Cynthia Matuszek
- Reading: