# traffic to loopback should not be reachable in general - Ingress: [r1@Eth0] Egress: [r4@Loopback0] DstIp: [] SrcIp: [] Protocol: [0-255] DstPort: [0-65535] SrcPort: [0-65535] # traffic to loopback should be reachable in from the right source - Ingress: [r1@Eth0] Egress: [r4@Loopback0] DstIp: [] SrcIp: [] Protocol: [0-255] DstPort: [0-65535] SrcPort: [0-65535] # traffic between hosts should not be reachable in general - Ingress: [r1@Eth0] Egress: [r4@Eth3] DstIp: [] SrcIp: [] Protocol: [0-255] DstPort: [0-65535] SrcPort: [0-65535] # traffic between hosts should not be reachable for TCP SSH traffic if from the wrong source - Ingress: [r1@Eth0] Egress: [r4@Eth3] DstIp: [] SrcIp: [] Protocol: [6-6] DstPort: [22-22] SrcPort: [0-65535] # traffic between hosts should be reachable for TCP SSH traffic from the right source - Ingress: [r1@Eth0] Egress: [r4@Eth3] DstIp: [] SrcIp: [] Protocol: [6-6] DstPort: [22-22] SrcPort: [0-65535] # splitting a prefix should not affect reachability - Ingress: [r1@Eth0] Egress: [r4@Eth3] DstIp: [] SrcIp: [,] Protocol: [6-6] DstPort: [22-22] SrcPort: [0-65535] # traffic between hosts should be reachable for UDP - Ingress: [r1@Eth0] Egress: [r4@Eth3] DstIp: [] SrcIp: [] Protocol: [17-17] DstPort: [0-65535] SrcPort: [0-65535]