Devices: - Name: r1 Interfaces: - Name: r1@Eth0 Neighbor: null InAcl: null OutAcl: null InBgpPolicy: null OutBgpPolicy: null - Name: r1@Eth1 Neighbor: r2@Eth1 InAcl: null OutAcl: r1_outbound_host_permit # added inbound and outbound BGP policies InBgpPolicy: null OutBgpPolicy: r1_default_bgp_export - Name: r1@Eth2 Neighbor: r3@Eth1 InAcl: null OutAcl: r1_outbound_host_permit InBgpPolicy: null OutBgpPolicy: r1_default_bgp_export BgpConfig: AdvertisedRoutes: [] InboundPolicies: [] OutboundPolicies: # BGP policies are lists of clauses that each have one or more # match expressions and one or more actions. - Name: "r1_default_bgp_export" PolicyClauses: # multiple match expressions are interpreted as a conjunction (all must match). # the syntax[24-32] matches a prefix with the first 24 bits of 70.4.194.__ # and a prefix length between 24 and 32. - Matches: ["prefix:[24-32]"] # actions are processed left to right. # first this adds community tag 1, then allows the route through. Actions: ["add tag 1", "allow"] # if the first match was unsuccessful, then we fall through. # the empty list of matches is equivalent to "true". - Matches: [] Actions: ["drop"] # static routes are routes that are known to the router but are # not advertised to neighbors via any protocol. static routes # should take precedence over BGP routes for deciding what route # the router should insert into the FIB. StaticRoutes: - Prefix: Interface: r1@Eth0 Acls: - Name: r1_outbound_host_permit DefaultAction: Deny Rules: - Description: "allow srcip for host" DstIp: SrcIp: Protocol: 0-255 DstPort: 0-65535 SrcPort: 0-65535 Action: Allow - Name: r2 Interfaces: - Name: r2@Eth1 Neighbor: r1@Eth1 InAcl: null OutAcl: null InBgpPolicy: null OutBgpPolicy: null - Name: r2@Eth2 Neighbor: r4@Eth1 InAcl: null OutAcl: null InBgpPolicy: null OutBgpPolicy: null BgpConfig: AdvertisedRoutes: [] InboundPolicies: [] OutboundPolicies: [] StaticRoutes: [] Acls: [] - Name: r3 Interfaces: - Name: r3@Eth1 Neighbor: r1@Eth2 InAcl: null OutAcl: null InBgpPolicy: null OutBgpPolicy: null - Name: r3@Eth2 Neighbor: r4@Eth2 InAcl: null OutAcl: null InBgpPolicy: null OutBgpPolicy: r3_bgp_export_to_r4 BgpConfig: AdvertisedRoutes: [] InboundPolicies: [] OutboundPolicies: # r3 removes tag 1 if it exists and always allows - Name: "r3_bgp_export_to_r4" PolicyClauses: - Matches: ["tag: 1"] Actions: ["remove tag 1"] - Matches: [] Actions: ["allow"] StaticRoutes: [] Acls: [] - Name: r4 Interfaces: - Name: r4@Loopback0 Neighbor: null InAcl: null OutAcl: null InBgpPolicy: null OutBgpPolicy: null - Name: r4@Eth3 Neighbor: null InAcl: null OutAcl: null InBgpPolicy: null OutBgpPolicy: null - Name: r4@Eth1 Neighbor: r2@Eth2 InAcl: r4_inbound_deny OutAcl: null InBgpPolicy: r4_default_bgp_import OutBgpPolicy: null - Name: r4@Eth2 Neighbor: r3@Eth2 InAcl: r4_inbound_deny OutAcl: null InBgpPolicy: r4_default_bgp_import OutBgpPolicy: null BgpConfig: AdvertisedRoutes: [,] OutboundPolicies: [] InboundPolicies: # r4 allows its own routes out and allows routes with tag 1 attached - Name: "r4_default_bgp_import" PolicyClauses: - Matches: ["prefix:[24-24]"] Actions: ["allow"] - Matches: ["prefix:[32-32]"] Actions: ["allow"] - Matches: ["tag: 1"] Actions: ["remove tag 1", "allow"] - Matches: [] Actions: ["drop"] StaticRoutes: - Prefix: Interface: r4@Eth3 - Prefix: Interface: r4@Loopback0 Acls: - Name: r4_inbound_deny DefaultAction: Deny Rules: - Description: "allow UDP traffic" DstIp: SrcIp: Protocol: 17-17 DstPort: 0-65535 SrcPort: 0-65535 Action: Allow - Description: "allow SSH over TCP traffic" DstIp: SrcIp: Protocol: 6-6 DstPort: 22-22 SrcPort: 0-65535 Action: Allow - Description: "allow traffic for loopback" DstIp: SrcIp: Protocol: 0-255 DstPort: 0-65535 SrcPort: 0-65535 Action: Allow