CSE 599: Special Topics (Autumn 2024)

Cryptographic Protocols for Privacy-Preserving Systems

Instructor: Prof. Nirvan Tyagi

Meeting: MW 10:00-11:20 at CSE2 287

Office Hours: W 11:30-12:30 at CSE2 355

Once considered far from practical, continuous advances in efficiency of cryptographic tools over the past two decades have opened up their use in the design of systems providing strong privacy guarantees for users. This graduate level course will provide an overview of these powerful cryptographic tools including multi-party computation, zero-knowledge proofs, and differential privacy, and discuss their use in the design of real deployed systems. This iteration of the course will focus on systems for (1) aggregate user data collection and analytics, (2) advertising personalization and attribution, and (3) payments.

Prerequisites: CSE major cryptography course or equivalent (e.g., CSE 426).