
This schedule is tentative and subject to change.

1 Introduction and Multi-Agent Coordination March 25 Overview and RL Basics 
1 March 27 Deep Multi-Agent RL 
2 Multi-Agent Coordination (cont'd) April 1 Multi-Agent Learning - Discussion 
2 April 3 Recent advances in Multi-Agent Learning - Discussion 
3 Coordination with humans and population-based training April 8 Zero-Shot coordination and population-based training - Lecture 
3 April 10 Discussion 
4 Emergent Complexity April 15 Lecture 
4 April 17 Emergent Complexity and Open-Endedness - Discussion 
5 Social Learning April 22 Lecture 
5 April 24 Discussion 
6 Learning from humans (including IRL, language-conditioned RL) April 29 Inverse RL and other ways to learn from humans 
6 May 1 Discussion 
7 RLHF May 6 Lecture 
7 May 8 Discussion 
8 Recent advancements in RLHF May 13 Lecture 
8 May 15 Discussion 
9 RLAIF / Multi-Agent LLMs May 20 Lecture + Discussion 
9 May 22 Project presentations 
10 Project presentations May 29 Project presentations