import pygame import math import time import random import pylab from Queue import PriorityQueue # the units are (cm or pixel), and (degree) # The coordinate of PyGame is: # ---> x # ' # ' # y # the upperleft pixel is (0,0) # Note: use function PointDisplay() to convert to PyGame coordinate # use function PointActual() to convert to the actual coordinate # The size of the display window DISP_WIDTH = 500 DISP_HEIGHT = 300 dtheta1 = 3. dtheta2 = 6. dtheta3 = 9. mintheta1 = 0. mintheta2 = -180. mintheta3 = -180. maxtheta1 = 180. maxtheta2 = 180. maxtheta3 = 180. animation_delay = 0.025 ntheta1 = int((maxtheta1-mintheta1)/dtheta1) ntheta2 = int((maxtheta2-mintheta2)/dtheta2) ntheta3 = int((maxtheta3-mintheta3)/dtheta3) class PathGraph: # The nodes that make up the graph. Contain minimal information, namely an id and the elements in the "coordinates". class PathGraphNode: def __init__(self, nid, coords = [], adjs = [], state = []): self.nid = nid # Node id self.coords = coords # The coordinates of the node. Typically posX, posY self.adjs = adjs # List of adjacencies. (adjacent node id, cost) self.state = state # A list of the states of the node. # Return the node's id def getID(self): return self.nid # Get a particular coordinate of the node def getCoordinate(self, coord=0): return self.coords[coord] # Get all the coordinates of the node def getCoordinates(self): return self.coords # Get how many coordinates there are in the node def getNumCoordinates(self): return len(self.coords) # Get the list of Adjacencies def getAdjacencies(self): return self.adjs # Return if a given node with id nid is adjacent to this node def isAdjacent(self, nid): for (n, d) in self.adjs: if n == nid: return True return False # get the state stateNum. Returns None if not found. def getState(self, stateNum=0): if self.hasState(stateNum): return self.state[stateNum] else: return None # Set the state stateNum to the stateVal. # If stateNum doesn't exist, create it. def setState(self, stateVal, stateNum=0): if self.hasState(stateNum): self.state[stateNum] = stateVal else: while len(self.state) < stateNum -1: self.state.append(None) self.state.append(stateVal) # Add a new state to the statelist, and assign it value stateVal. # Returns the state number created. def addState(self, stateVal): self.state.append(stateVal) return len(self.state) - 1 # Return True if the stateNum exists, False otherwise. def hasState(self, stateNum=0): return len(self.state) > stateNum # Set a particular coordinate of the node def setCoordinate(self, val, coord=0): coords[coord]=val return self.coords[coord] # Set all the coordinates of the node def setCoordinates(self,somecoords): self.coords = somecoords return self.coords # Returns a string representation of the node def coordinateString(self): retStr = "" for i in self.coords: retStr += str(i) + " " return retStr.rstrip(' ') # Creates a new graph def __init__(self, coordCount, nodeList=[], nodeDict = {}): self.nodeList = nodeList self.coords = coordCount self.nodeDict = nodeDict # Get the node with coordinates nodeCoords def getNodeID(self, nodeCoords): return self.nodeDict[nodeCoords] # Get the adjacency list of node ID nid def getAdjacencies(self, nid): return self.nodeList[nid].getAdjacencies() # Gets the cost of the adjacency between node id nid1 and node id nid2. # Returns None if no such cost. def getAdjacencyCost(self, nid1, nid2): adjs = self.getAdjacencies(nid1) for (n, d) in adjs: if n == nid2: return d return None # Get the node list def getNodes(self): return self.nodeList # Get the node with id nid def getNode(self, nid): return self.nodeList[nid] # Get a node by the coords. Returns None is there is no such node def getNodeByCoords(self, coords): return self.nodeDict[coords] # Get the number of nodes. def getNodeCount(self): return len(self.nodeList) # Get the coordinates of node with id nid def getNodeCoords(self, nid): return self.nodeList[nid].coords # Get the node dictionary def getNodeDict(self): return self.nodeDict # Get the id of a node that is adjacent in the specified direction to the node id nid. # Returns None if there is no adjacency. def getAdjNID(self, nid, direction): node = self.nodeList[nid] tgt = self.nodeDict(node.getCoordinates() + direcion) if tgt != None and node.isAdjacent(tgt): return tgt else: return None # Print out the graph. def printGraph(self): for i in range(len(self.nodeList)): print "Node " + str(self.nodeList[i].nid) + " at " + self.nodeList[i].coordinateString() for j in range(len(self.nodeList[i].adjs)): print "\tAdjacent to " + str(self.nodeList[i].adjs[j][0]) + " with cost " + str(self.nodeList[i].adjs[j][1]) # Add a new node to the list, with the given coordinates and ajacencies. # Returns the new node's id def addNode(self, coordinates, adjacencies): nid = len(self.nodeList) self.nodeList.append(PathGraph.PathGraphNode(nid,coordinates, adjacencies)) for adj in adjacencies: nbr = adj[0] edge = ( nid, adj[1] ) self.nodeList[nbr].adjs.append(edge) self.nodeDict[coordinates] = nid return nid def nidReturn(n1,n2,n3): return n1*ntheta2*ntheta3+n2*ntheta3+n3 def coordsReturn(n1,n2,n3): return [mintheta1+n1*dtheta1,mintheta2+n2*dtheta2,mintheta3+n3*dtheta3] #Creates and returns a graph object for the mapFile passed in. def createGraph(): nodeList = [] nodeDict = {} coordCount = 0 nid = 0 for x1 in range(0,ntheta1): for x2 in range(0,ntheta2): for x3 in range(0,ntheta3): index = nid nid += 1 coords = tuple(coordsReturn(x1,x2,x3)) nodeDict[coords] = index adjs = [] if x1>0 and not arm.checkPossibleCollision(coordsReturn(x1-1,x2,x3)): adjs.append((int(nidReturn(x1-1,x2,x3)),dtheta1)) if x10 and not arm.checkPossibleCollision(coordsReturn(x1,x2-1,x3)): adjs.append((int(nidReturn(x1,x2-1,x3)),dtheta2)) if x20 and not arm.checkPossibleCollision(coordsReturn(x1,x2,x3-1)): adjs.append((int(nidReturn(x1,x2,x3-1)),dtheta3)) if x3 DISP_HEIGHT: self.hit_ground = True # draw the obstacles for i in range(0, len(self.obstacles)): self.obstacle_rects[i] =, self.obstacles[i][0], self.obstacles[i][1], self.obstacles[i][2], 0) # draw the goal self.goal_rect =,self.goal[0],self.goal[1],self.goal[2],0) pygame.display.update() fname = 'animation/image' + '%04d' % self.imagecounter + '.jpg' screenshot = pygame.display.get_surface(), fname) self.imagecounter += 1 def addObstacle(self, color, loc, radius): obs = (color, self.PointDisplay(loc[0],loc[1]), radius) self.obstacles.append(obs) self.obstacle_rects.append(pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,0,0)) def setGoal(self, color, loc, radius): self.goal = (color, self.PointDisplay(loc[0],loc[1]), radius) print "Goal is now: ",loc," or in graphics space: ",self.PointDisplay(loc[0],loc[1]) print "Wait for the path..." self.goal_rect = pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,0,0) self.goalpt = [loc[0],loc[1]] # check each link if it collides with ground or obstacles def checkCollision(self): for l in self.lines: if (l.collidelist(self.obstacle_rects) != -1): return True return False def checkPossibleCollision(self,thetas): if thetas[0]>180. or thetas[0]<0.0: return True collision = False poss_pts = pylab.zeros((len(thetas)+1,2)) Aprev = pylab.mat(pylab.identity(4)) poss_pts[0] = self.PointActual(self.points[0][0], self.points[0][1]) for i in range(0, len(thetas)): theta = math.radians(thetas[i]) A = Aprev * pylab.mat([[math.cos(theta), -math.sin(theta), 0.0, self.length[i]*math.cos(theta)], [math.sin(theta), math.cos(theta), 0.0, self.length[i]*math.sin(theta)], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]) Aprev = A if poss_pts[0][1]+A[1,3]<0.0: return True poss_pts[i+1] = self.PointDisplay(poss_pts[0][0]+A[0,3],poss_pts[0][1]+A[1,3]) x1 = poss_pts[i ][0] x2 = poss_pts[i+1][0] y1 = poss_pts[i ][1] y2 = poss_pts[i+1][1] for j in self.obstacles: x0 = j[1][0] y0 = j[1][1] # From wolfram online: d = abs((x2-x1)*(y1-y0)-(x1-x0)*(y2-y1))/((x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2)**(0.5) d1 = ((x1-x0)**2+(y1-y0)**2)**(0.5) d2 = ((x2-x0)**2+(y2-y0)**2)**(0.5) obs_rad = j[2] if d1.0: # We don't want to take the square root of a neg. number so let's bail return [0,0,False] if Plus: theta3 = math.atan2((1.0-D**2)**0.5,D) else: theta3 = math.atan2(-(1.0-D**2)**0.5,D) theta2 = math.atan2(pt2[1]-pt1[1],pt2[0]-pt1[0]) - math.atan2(a3*math.sin(theta3),self.length[0]+a3*math.cos(theta3)) return [math.degrees(theta2),math.degrees(theta3),True] # Given an angle for the first segment, return the location of the end of the first segment def armOne(self,theta1): theta1 = math.radians(theta1) return [math.cos(theta1)*self.length[0],math.sin(theta1)*self.length[0]] # Find the (up to) 4 possible configurations to reach the goal, while # trying to preserve our "optimum dist" -- typically right angle b/t last 2 joints def solveDestination(self,toSkip): located = False a3 = self.optimum_dist delta = 1.0 failures = 0 dests = [] while len(dests)==0: if arm.distPts((0,0),(self.goalpt[0],self.goalpt[1]))>self.length[0]+a3: a3 = a3 + delta if a3>self.length[1]+self.length[2]: print "We got ourselves in a hell of a pickle (cannot reach dest)" raw_input() continue [t1,t23,Success] = arm.find2thetas((self.goalpt[0],self.goalpt[1]),self.length[0],a3,True) checkSuccess = Success # CONFIGURATION #1: [t2,t3,Success] = arm.find2thetas((self.goalpt[0]-arm.armOne(t1)[0],self.goalpt[1]-arm.armOne(t1)[1]),self.length[1],self.length[2],True) t2 = t2 - t1 if t2maxtheta2: t2 = t2 - 360.0 if t3maxtheta3: t3 = t3 - 360.0 if not(arm.checkPossibleCollision([t1,t2,t3])) and checkSuccess and Success: dests.append(int(nidReturn(int((t1-mintheta1)/dtheta1),int((t2-mintheta2)/dtheta2),int((t3-mintheta3)/dtheta3)))) # CONFIGURATION #2: [t2,t3,Success] = arm.find2thetas((self.goalpt[0]-arm.armOne(t1)[0],self.goalpt[1]-arm.armOne(t1)[1]),self.length[1],self.length[2],False) t2 = t2 - t1 if t2maxtheta2: t2 = t2 - 360.0 if t3maxtheta3: t3 = t3 - 360.0 if not(arm.checkPossibleCollision([t1,t2,t3])) and checkSuccess and Success: dests.append(int(nidReturn(int((t1-mintheta1)/dtheta1),int((t2-mintheta2)/dtheta2),int((t3-mintheta3)/dtheta3)))) [t1,t23,Success] = arm.find2thetas((self.goalpt[0],self.goalpt[1]),self.length[0],a3,False) checkSuccess = Success # CONFIGURATION #3: [t2,t3,Success] = arm.find2thetas((self.goalpt[0]-arm.armOne(t1)[0],self.goalpt[1]-arm.armOne(t1)[1]),self.length[1],self.length[2],True) t2 = t2 - t1 if t2maxtheta2: t2 = t2 - 360.0 if t3maxtheta3: t3 = t3 - 360.0 if not(arm.checkPossibleCollision([t1,t2,t3])) and checkSuccess and Success: dests.append(int(nidReturn(int((t1-mintheta1)/dtheta1),int((t2-mintheta2)/dtheta2),int((t3-mintheta3)/dtheta3)))) # CONFIGURATION #4: [t2,t3,Success] = arm.find2thetas((self.goalpt[0]-arm.armOne(t1)[0],self.goalpt[1]-arm.armOne(t1)[1]),self.length[1],self.length[2],False) t2 = t2 - t1 if t2maxtheta2: t2 = t2 - 360.0 if t3maxtheta3: t3 = t3 - 360.0 if not(arm.checkPossibleCollision([t1,t2,t3])) and checkSuccess and Success: dests.append(int(nidReturn(int((t1-mintheta1)/dtheta1),int((t2-mintheta2)/dtheta2),int((t3-mintheta3)/dtheta3)))) # This is a bit of an experimental option in case we've previously # returned configurations that are impossible to reach if len(dests)==0 or toSkip>0: dests = [] toSkip -= 1 a3 = self.optimum_dist + (failures*delta)*(-1)**(failures) failures += 1 print "new a3: ",a3 print "failures: ",failures raw_input() if a3self.r_outer: print "WHOA NELLIE! You are SOL",a3,delta raw_input() continue return dests # The base pathfinding class. Inherit and overwrite FindPath to implement a pathfinding algorithm. class Pathfind: # Creates a new instance of the pathfinding class, over the specified PathGraph. # Does not have to be linked to a gui. def __init__(self, graph, gui=None): self.graph = graph self.gui = gui self.path = None self.pathLen = -1 self.drawnObjects = [] # Find a path from the starting node id to the goal node id. # Such a path found is a list of node id's, which form a valid path from startNodeID # to goalNodeID, such that each node represented in the array is adjacent to its # immediate neighbors in the list. List is NOT returned, instead set it to self.path # Default behavior is to fail to find a path. Overwrite this in path algorithms implemented. def FindPath(self, startNodeID, goalNodeID): self.path = None return # Returns a list of tuples of imformation about the path. # The list is of 2-tuples. Entry 1 is the label, entry 2 is the information. # Default behavior is to return the length. Overwrite this is desired in path algorithms implemented. def GetStats(self): if self.path == None: return [("No Path Found", "")] pathStats = [] length = 0 for nodeID, adjNodeID in zip(self.path[:-1], self.path[1:]): adjCost = self.graph.getAdjacencyCost(nodeID, adjNodeID) if adjCost: length += adjCost pathStats.append(("Path Length:", round(length,3))) return pathStats ############################################# # Nothing needs to be overwritten past here # ############################################# # Set which gui this is attached to. def SetGui(self, gui): self.gui = gui # Smooth the path. Currently does not work as intended. def Smooth(self): if self.path: #pathobjects = [] thisnodem2=[] # node-2 thisnodem1=[] # node-1 xm1 = -1 ym1 = -1 xp1 = -1 yp1 = -1 xavg = -1 yavg = -1 for index in range(1,len(self.path)-1,2): # starting at 1, ending at next to last, in steps of 2 nodeID = self.path[index] thisnode = self.graph.getNode(nodeID) (x,y) = thisnode.getCoordinates() prevnode = self.graph.getNode(nodeID-1) (xm1,ym1) = prevnode.getCoordinates() nextnode = self.graph.getNode(nodeID+1) (xp1,yp1) = nextnode.getCoordinates() xavg = 0.5* (xm1 + xp1) yavg = 0.5* (ym1 + yp1) x2 = int(0.5+(x - 2.0*(x-xavg))) y2 = int(0.5+(y - 2.0*(y-yavg))) targetnode = self.graph.nodeDict.get((x2,y2),None) if (targetnode != None): print x, ' -> ', x2, ', ', y, ' -> ',y2 self.path[index] = targetnode else: print "No change: ",x,", ",y else: return # If there is an attached gui, draw the list of nodeID's in drawList. color and fill are the colors desired, # height and width control the size of the rectangles drawn. If clear is False, does not remove any previous # results from calling this. # This is used by the "animation" feature from the gui, to animate your planning algorithm. def DrawList(self, drawList, height=0, width=0, color='green', fill=None, clear=True): if self.gui and self.gui.planDraw.get(): if clear: self.ClearDraws() for node in drawList: (x,y) = self.graph.getNode(node).getCoordinates() self.drawnObjects.append(,y+height,x-width,y-height,outline=color, fill=fill)) self.gui.tkroot.update_idletasks() # Clear all the graphics from calling DrawList def ClearDraws(self): if self.drawnObjects: for obj in self.drawnObjects: self.drawnObjects = [] # Return the path found (or the lack of such) def ReturnPath(self): return self.path # A-Star pathfinding algorithm. # A greedy algorithm that uses an admissable heuristic, so it finds a guaranteed shortest path. # # Find the shortest path between the node id start and the node id goal, using A-Star. # Mostly copied from the PathPlanning code def FindPath(graph, start, goal): visited = [] if graph != None: for i in range(graph.getNodeCount()): #print i visited.append(None) toVisit = PriorityQueue() # Start of the algorithm visited[start] = (0, None) toVisit.put( (0 + euclidDist(start, goal, graph), start, None) ) while not toVisit.empty(): # Start of the main loop nextTuple = toVisit.get() #Get the next node next = nextTuple[1] nextDist = visited[next][0] # Total distance travelled to get to here. if next == goal: # Success! We reached our destination! lastPathNode = goal # Construct the path list pathCost = visited[goal][0] # 0 denotes cost to get to this node path = [] while visited[lastPathNode][1] != None: path.append(lastPathNode) lastPathNode = visited[lastPathNode][1] # 1 denotes the node we just came from path.append(start) path.reverse() return path for adjacency in graph.getAdjacencies(next): # For each neightbor, see if have a path to # use this assignment if you want the cost to be the associated with the angle swept out #nextNbr, cost = adjacency[0], adjacency[1] # use this assignment if you want the cost to be the associated with the discretization of the joints nextNbr, cost = adjacency[0], 1.0 totalTravel = nextDist + cost if visited[nextNbr] == None: # The neighbor is unvisited visited[nextNbr] = ( totalTravel, next ) # Mark the node as visited goalDist = euclidDist(nextNbr, goal, graph) # Estimated distance (euclidean) toVisit.put( (totalTravel + goalDist, nextNbr, next) ) # Add node to priority queue elif totalTravel < visited[nextNbr][0]: # The neighbor has been visited, but that is shorter # if we've found a shorter route to nextNbr visited[nextNbr] = (totalTravel, next) # then replace old route to nextNbr with new goalDist = euclidDist(nextNbr, goal, graph) toVisit.put( (totalTravel + goalDist, nextNbr, next) ) print 'FYI: to visit is EMPTY!' return [] # Get from one configuration to an adjacent configuration by incrementally # moving between each set of angles def nextWaypoint(start,goal): delta_steps = 10 da1 = (goal[0]-start[0])/delta_steps da2 = (goal[1]-start[1])/delta_steps da3 = (goal[2]-start[2])/delta_steps a1 = start[0] a2 = start[1] a3 = start[2] for i in range(delta_steps): a1 += da1 a2 += da2 a3 += da3 arm.updateArm([a1,a2,a3], [0,1,2]) arm.drawFK() time.sleep(animation_delay) # Use the Jacobian method to proceed from wherever the end effector is # to the location specified by X # -> Typically used to make fine adjustments to make the last little # movement to reach the goal def nextJacobian(X): close_enough = 0.5 # This is the criteria for deciding if we're close enough # initialize current angles atrack1 = arm.angles[0] atrack2 = arm.angles[1] atrack3 = arm.angles[2] # determine the direction the end effector needs to go vector_diff = pylab.array([X[0],X[1]]) - pylab.array(arm.pointLocate(3)) while pylab.linalg.norm(vector_diff)>close_enough: J = arm.Jacobian() Js = arm.Jstar(J,1.0) vel = vector_diff/pylab.linalg.norm(vector_diff) speed = 50.0 dang = Js * pylab.mat([[vel[0]*speed], [vel[1]*speed], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0]]) atrack1 += dang[0] atrack2 += dang[1] atrack3 += dang[2] arm.updateArm([atrack1,atrack2,atrack3], [0,1,2]) arm.drawFK() time.sleep(animation_delay) vector_diff = pylab.array([X[0],X[1]]) - pylab.array(arm.pointLocate(3)) ############################################################### ############################################################### ############################################################### length = [100, 100, 50] #the length of links #init_angles = [95, 60, 35] #joint angles init_angles = [90, 70, 30] #joint angles colors = [(0,0,255), (0,255,80), (255,0,0)] #the color for each link obstacle = (-25.,75.) obstacle = (110.,160.) obstacle = (-60.,160.) goal = (110.,170.) input_angles = init_angles[:] arm = ArmPlanning(length, init_angles[:], colors) arm.addObstacle( (100,25,60), obstacle, int(20) ) arm.addObstacle( (100,25,60), (0.,160.), int(20) ) arm.setGoal( (250,250,50), goal, int(5) ) arm.drawFK() graph = createGraph() print "Graph Created." raw_input() shortest_length = 9999 path = [] toSkip = 0 while path==[]: dests = arm.solveDestination(toSkip) startnode = int(nidReturn(int((init_angles[0]-mintheta1)/dtheta1),int((init_angles[1]-mintheta2)/dtheta2),int((init_angles[2]-mintheta3)/dtheta3))) for d in dests: current_path = FindPath(graph,startnode,d) path_length = len(current_path) if path_length < shortest_length and path_length>1: path = current_path shortest_length = path_length goalnode = d toSkip += 1 pathn = 0 target_reached = False while not arm.hit_ground: for event in pygame.event.get(): # Check to see if a new goal has been selected with the mouse if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: goal = arm.PointActual(event.dict['pos'][0],event.dict['pos'][1]) arm.setGoal( (250,250,50), goal, int(5) ) new_path = [] toSkip = 0 # Loop until we have a new path while new_path==[]: dests = arm.solveDestination(toSkip) if goalnode in dests: new_path = path break shortest_length = 99999 if pathn < len(path): startnode = path[pathn] else: startnode = goalnode for d in dests: current_path = FindPath(graph,startnode,d) path_length = len(current_path) if path_length < shortest_length and path_length>1: new_path = current_path shortest_length = path_length goalnode = d toSkip += 1 pathn = 0 path = new_path target_reached = False print "Nodes in our new path: ",path print "Hit RETURN to continue" raw_input() if len(path)>pathn: nextWaypoint(arm.angles,graph.getNodeCoords(path[pathn])) pathn += 1 print arm.pointLocate(3) else: if not target_reached: nextJacobian(goal) print "Target Reached!" target_reached = True arm.drawFK() print "Collided with something" raw_input()