from zipfile import * from PIL import Image import StringIO import os from math import sqrt,cos,sin,atan2 # The representation of the graph. # A graph is made of: # 1. an array of nodes. Each node with id n is at the nth index of this array. Each node contains a list of adjacencies. # An adjacency is a 2-tuple, with element 0 being the node it is adjacent to, and element 0 being the cost to that node. # 2. A dictionary, which maps coordinates to nodes. If you are not sure the requested coordinate is valid, use the get() method # of the dictionary class. class PathGraph: # The nodes that make up the graph. Contain minimal information, namely an id and the elements in the "coordinates". class PathGraphNode: def __init__(self, nid, coords = [], adjs = [], state = []): self.nid = nid # Node id self.coords = coords # The coordinates of the node. Typically posX, posY self.adjs = adjs # List of adjacencies. (adjacent node id, cost) self.state = state # A list of the states of the node. # Return the node's id def getID(self): return self.nid # Get a particular coordinate of the node def getCoordinate(self, coord=0): return self.coords[coord] # Get all the coordinates of the node def getCoordinates(self): return self.coords # Get how many coordinates there are in the node def getNumCoordinates(self): return len(self.coords) # Get the list of Adjacencies def getAdjacencies(self): return self.adjs # Return if a given node with id nid is adjacent to this node def isAdjacent(self, nid): for (n, d) in self.adjs: if n == nid: return True return False # get the state stateNum. Returns None if not found. def getState(self, stateNum=0): if self.hasState(stateNum): return self.state[stateNum] else: return None # Set the state stateNum to the stateVal. # If stateNum doesn't exist, create it. def setState(self, stateVal, stateNum=0): if self.hasState(stateNum): self.state[stateNum] = stateVal else: while len(self.state) < stateNum -1: self.state.append(None) self.state.append(stateVal) # Add a new state to the statelist, and assign it value stateVal. # Returns the state number created. def addState(self, stateVal): self.state.append(stateVal) return len(self.state) - 1 # Return True if the stateNum exists, False otherwise. def hasState(self, stateNum=0): return len(self.state) > stateNum # Set a particular coordinate of the node def setCoordinate(self, val, coord=0): coords[coord]=val return self.coords[coord] # Set all the coordinates of the node def setCoordinates(self,somecoords): self.coords = somecoords return self.coords # Returns a string representation of the node def coordinateString(self): retStr = "" for i in self.coords: retStr += str(i) + " " return retStr.rstrip(' ') # Creates a trajectory on the specified node ids. # Converts it to a path if possible. Currently, trajectory can only consist of two node ids. # Trajectories only work for integer graphs class Trajectory: def __init__(self, graph, trajectory = []): self.graph = graph self.trajectory = trajectory self.path = None self.completePath = None # Converts the trajectory to a node path as far as it can along a valid path. def ConvertToPath(self): self.completePath = False self.path = [self.trajectory[0]] if self.trajectory[0] == self.trajectory[-1]: return for nodeFromID, nodeToID in zip(self.trajectory[:-1],self.trajectory[1:]): #print "ConvertToPath ", nodeFromID, nodeToID #jrs nodeTo = self.graph.nodeList[nodeToID] nodeFrom = self.graph.nodeList[nodeFromID] toVals = self.graph.nodeList[nodeToID].coords fromVals = self.graph.nodeList[nodeFromID].coords distVals = tuple(toVal - fromVal for toVal, fromVal in zip(toVals, fromVals)) gran = max(tuple(abs(dVal) for dVal in distVals)) # maximum distance cooordinate, used to figure how many steps need to be taken deltaVals = tuple(distVal / float(gran) for distVal in distVals) # a vector that should take us from current node to next node on traj (if no obstacles) #jrs #print "toVals: ", toVals #jrs #print "fromVals: ", fromVals #jrs #print "distVals: ", distVals #jrs #print "gran: ", gran #jrs #print "deltaVals: ", deltaVals #jrs prevNode = nodeFrom for i in range(1,gran+1): node = self.graph.nodeDict.get(tuple(int(fromVal + i*deltaVal + 0.5) for fromVal, deltaVal in zip(fromVals, deltaVals))) if node and prevNode.isAdjacent(node): # The step we wanted to take is valid self.path.append(node) prevNode = self.graph.nodeList[node] if node == nodeToID: self.completePath = True #print "Converted traj to path: ", map(self.graph.getNode,self.path) break else: break # Creates a new graph def __init__(self, coordCount, nodeList=[], nodeDict = {}): self.nodeList = nodeList self.coords = coordCount self.nodeDict = nodeDict # Get the node with coordinates nodeCoords def getNodeID(self, nodeCoords): return self.nodeDict[nodeCoords] # Get the adjacency list of node ID nid def getAdjacencies(self, nid): return self.nodeList[nid].getAdjacencies() # Gets the cost of the adjacency between node id nid1 and node id nid2. # Returns None if no such cost. def getAdjacencyCost(self, nid1, nid2): adjs = self.getAdjacencies(nid1) for (n, d) in adjs: if n == nid2: return d return None # Get the node list def getNodes(self): return self.nodeList # Get the node with id nid def getNode(self, nid): return self.nodeList[nid] # Get a node by the coords. Returns None is there is no such node def getNodeByCoords(self, coords): return self.nodeDict[coords] # Get the number of nodes. def getNodeCount(self): return len(self.nodeList) # Get the coordinates of node with id nid def getNodeCoords(self, nid): return self.nodeList[nid].coords # Get the node dictionary def getNodeDict(self): return self.nodeDict # Get the id of a node that is adjacent in the specified direction to the node id nid. # Returns None if there is no adjacency. def getAdjNID(self, nid, direction): node = self.nodeList[nid] tgt = self.nodeDict(node.getCoordinates() + direcion) if tgt != None and node.isAdjacent(tgt): return tgt else: return None # Print out the graph. def printGraph(self): for i in range(len(self.nodeList)): print "Node " + str(self.nodeList[i].nid) + " at " + self.nodeList[i].coordinateString() for j in range(len(self.nodeList[i].adjs)): print "\tAdjacent to " + str(self.nodeList[i].adjs[j][0]) + " with cost " + str(self.nodeList[i].adjs[j][1]) # Add a new node to the list, with the given coordinates and ajacencies. # Returns the new node's id def addNode(self, coordinates, adjacencies): nid = len(self.nodeList) self.nodeList.append(PathGraph.PathGraphNode(nid,coordinates, adjacencies)) for adj in adjacencies: nbr = adj[0] edge = ( nid, adj[1] ) self.nodeList[nbr].adjs.append(edge) self.nodeDict[coordinates] = nid return nid # "Static" functions #Creates and returns a graph object for the mapFile passed in. def createGraph(mapFile): nodeList = [] nodeDict = {} coordCount = int(mapFile.readline()) graphData = mapFile.readline().split() while graphData != []: coords = [] for i in range(coordCount): coords.append(int(graphData[i])) coords = tuple(coords) nodeDict[coords] = len(nodeList) adjs = [] i = coordCount while i < len(graphData): adjs.append( (int(graphData[i]), float(graphData[i+1]) ) ) i += 2 nodeList.append(PathGraph.PathGraphNode(len(nodeList), coords, adjs, [])) graphData = mapFile.readline().split() return PathGraph(coordCount, nodeList, nodeDict) # Create a graph object from the bitmap image im. # Returns a tuple. Entry 1 is the graphe object, entry 2 is the opened bitmap. def loadImageFile(im): graphIm = pixels = graphIm.load() #print graphIm.size nodeList = [] nodeDict = {} for i in range(graphIm.size[0]): for j in range(graphIm.size[1]): if pixels[i,j] == ( 255,255,255 ): # Only white nodes are pathfindable. nid = len(nodeList) coords = (i,j) nodeDict[coords] = nid adjs = [] #look at neighbors already seen. Guaranteed to only be north, west if (i-1,j) in nodeDict : #north adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i-1,j) ], 1) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i-1,j) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i,j-1) in nodeDict: #west adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i,j-1) ], 1) ) nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i,j-1) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i-1,j-1) in nodeDict: #nw adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i-1,j-1) ], 1.4143) ) nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i-1,j-1) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1.4143) ) if (i-1,j+1) in nodeDict: #sw adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i-1,j+1) ], 1.4143) ) nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i-1,j+1) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1.4143) ) nodeList.append(PathGraph.PathGraphNode(nid, coords, adjs)) graph = PathGraph(2, nodeList, nodeDict) return (graph, graphIm) # Load a .map file # Returns a tuple. Entry 1 is the graphe object, entry 2 is the opened bitmap. def loadMapFile(mapFile): if mapFile == None: return None else: unzipMapFile = ZipFile(mapFile, mode='r') for f in unzipMapFile.namelist(): if f.endswith('.graph'): graph = createGraph( else: image = unzipMapFile.close() return (graph, image) # Create a .map file with image im, saved at mapFile # OVERWRITES mapFile! def createMapFile(im, mapFile): zf = ZipFile(mapFile, mode='w', compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) base = os.path.basename(im) baseWOExt = os.path.splitext(base)[0] graph, image = loadImageFile(im) mapDataStr = "" mapDataStr += (str(graph.coords)) for node in graph.getNodes(): mapDataStr += ('\n' + str(node.coordinateString())) for adj in graph.getAdjacencies(node.getID()): mapDataStr += (" " + str(adj[0]) + " " + str(adj[1])) try: zf.writestr(baseWOExt + ".graph",mapDataStr) zf.write(im, base) finally: zf.close()