import pygame import math import time import numpy as np import copy from random import uniform from PathGraph import * from Queue import PriorityQueue import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # the units are (cm or pixel), and (degree) # The coordinate of PyGame is: # ---> x # ' # ' # y # the upperleft pixel is (0,0) # Note: use function PointDisplay() to convert to PyGame coordinate # use function PointActual() to convert to the actual coordinate # Constants # The size of the display window DISP_WIDTH = 400 DISP_HEIGHT = 300 GRID_SIZE = 10 PLOT_CSPACE = True # Robotic Arm Motion Planning Class class ArmPlanning(): def __init__(self, length, angles, colors): pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((DISP_WIDTH, DISP_HEIGHT)) self.screen.fill((255,255,255)) self.length = length self.angles = angles #joint angles self.angles_ik = [0,0,0] self.angles_prev = [0,0,0] self.colors = colors #the color for each link self.dof = len(angles) #degree of freedom self.points = [self.PointDisplay(0, 0)]*(self.dof+1) # shift to the center self.points_ik = [self.PointDisplay(0, 0)]*(self.dof+1) # shift to the center self.obstacles = [] self.lines = [pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,0,0)] * self.dof self.lines_ik = [pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,0,0)] * self.dof self.obstacle_rects = [] self.hit_ground = False self.hit_ground_ik = False self.goal = None # Convert a point, (x,y) Tuple, to PyGame coordinate def PointDisplay(self, x, y): return (DISP_WIDTH/2 + x, DISP_HEIGHT - y) # Convert a point, (x,y) Tuple, to actual coordinate def PointActual(self, x, y): return (x - DISP_WIDTH/2, DISP_HEIGHT - y) # Update the joint angels with the new values for joint indices in the list # e.g. updateArm([new_angle2, new_angle3], [1,2]) def updateArm(self, angles, indices): for i in range(0, len(angles)): self.angles[indices[i]] = angles[i] # Draw all the components on the Canvas # Note: You need to draw things before checking Collision def draw(self): self.screen.fill ((255, 255, 255)) #clean the screen first self.hit_ground = False # draw the whole arm for i in range(0, self.dof): real_point = self.PointActual(self.points[i][0], self.points[i][1]) # the angle for each joint is the sum of all the previous joints' angles self.points[i+1] = self.PointDisplay(real_point[0]+self.length[i]*math.cos(math.radians(sum(self.angles[:i+1]))), real_point[1]+self.length[i]*math.sin(math.radians(sum(self.angles[:i+1])))) self.lines[i] = pygame.draw.line(self.screen, self.colors[i], self.points[i], self.points[i+1], 5) #check if it collides with ground if self.points[i+1][1] > DISP_HEIGHT: self.hit_ground = True # draw the obstacles for i in range(0, len(self.obstacles)): self.obstacle_rects[i] =, self.obstacles[i][0], self.obstacles[i][1], self.obstacles[i][2], 0) # draw the goal if self.goal != None: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, [0,0,0], (self.goal[0]-5,self.goal[1]-5,10,10)) pygame.display.update() # IK solver uses this to draw virtual arms and check collision # Note: You need to draw things before checking CollisionIK def draw_virtual(self): self.screen.fill ((255, 255, 255)) #clean the screen first self.hit_ground_ik = False # draw the whole arm for i in range(0, self.dof): real_point = self.PointActual(self.points[i][0], self.points[i][1]) #still want to draw the real arms self.points[i+1] = self.PointDisplay(real_point[0]+self.length[i]*math.cos(math.radians(sum(self.angles[:i+1]))), real_point[1]+self.length[i]*math.sin(math.radians(sum(self.angles[:i+1])))) self.lines[i] = pygame.draw.line(self.screen, self.colors[i], self.points[i], self.points[i+1], 5) #virtual arms for IK solver self.points_ik[i+1] = self.PointDisplay(real_point[0]+self.length[i]*math.cos(math.radians(sum(self.angles_ik[:i+1]))), real_point[1]+self.length[i]*math.sin(math.radians(sum(self.angles_ik[:i+1])))) self.lines_ik[i] = pygame.draw.line(self.screen, (255,255,255), self.points_ik[i], self.points_ik[i+1], 5) #update the collision state with ground for the virtual arms if self.points_ik[i+1][1] > DISP_HEIGHT: self.hit_ground_ik = True # draw the obstacles for i in range(0, len(self.obstacles)): self.obstacle_rects[i] =, self.obstacles[i][0], self.obstacles[i][1], self.obstacles[i][2], 0) # draw the goal if self.goal != None: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, [0,0,0], (self.goal[0]-5,self.goal[1]-5,10,10)) pygame.display.update() # Add an obstacle def addObstacle(self, color, loc, radius): obs = (color, self.PointDisplay(loc[0],loc[1]), radius) self.obstacles.append(obs) self.obstacle_rects.append(pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,0,0)) # Update the goal def addGoal(self, loc): self.goal = self.PointDisplay(loc[0],loc[1]) # check all links for collision with ground or obstacles # Return True if any is in collision # Return False if collision free def checkCollision(self): if self.hit_ground: return True for l in self.lines: if (l.collidelist(self.obstacle_rects) != -1): return True return False # (For IK solver) # check all virtual links for collision with ground or obstacles # Return True if any is in collision # Return False if collision free def checkCollisionIK(self): if self.hit_ground_ik: return True for l in self.lines_ik: if (l.collidelist(self.obstacle_rects) != -1): return True return False # 2D Transition Matrix # pass ik=True to compute for virtual arms def A(self, i, ik=False): if not ik: return np.array([[math.cos(math.radians(self.angles[i])), -math.sin(math.radians(self.angles[i])), self.length[i]*math.cos(math.radians(self.angles[i]))] , [math.sin(math.radians(self.angles[i])), math.cos(math.radians(self.angles[i])), self.length[i]*math.sin(math.radians(self.angles[i]))] , [0, 0, 1] ]) else: return np.array([[math.cos(math.radians(self.angles_ik[i])), -math.sin(math.radians(self.angles_ik[i])), self.length[i]*math.cos(math.radians(self.angles_ik[i]))] , [math.sin(math.radians(self.angles_ik[i])), math.cos(math.radians(self.angles_ik[i])), self.length[i]*math.sin(math.radians(self.angles_ik[i]))] , [0, 0, 1] ]) # Homogeneous Transformation from frame1 to frame2 # pass ik=True to compute for virtual arms def T(self, f1, f2, ik=False): if f2 > self.dof or f1 < 0: raise ValueError("exceed the DOF when computing T!") t = np.eye(3) for k in range(0, f2-f1): if not ik: t =, self.A(k)) else: t =, self.A(k,True)) return t # Compute the current Jacobian Matrix # Jacobian Matrix Dimension: 6xN # N is the num of joints (DOFs) # we have a 6x3 matrix for this DOF-3 arm # pass ik=True to compute for virtual arms def J(self, ik=False): O0 = np.array([0,0,0]) O1 = self.T(0,1,ik)[:,2].reshape(3) O2 = self.T(0,2,ik)[:,2].reshape(3) O3 = self.T(0,3,ik)[:,2].reshape(3) O1[2] = 0 O2[2] = 0 O3[2] = 0 z = np.array([0,0,1]) J1 = np.cross(z, O3-O0).reshape(3,1) J2 = np.cross(z, O3-O1).reshape(3,1) J3 = np.cross(z, O3-O2).reshape(3,1) J_up = np.hstack((J1, J2, J3)) z = z.reshape(3,1) J_down = np.hstack((z,z,z)) J = np.vstack((J_up, J_down)) return J # Iterative Jacobian-Transpose IK Solver # input: target position # output: joint configuration # It first seeds using the current arm pose # If the solution is in collision, re-seed randomly # until collision-free solution is found, or reach MAX_Iter def Jtrans_IK(self, target): # IK solver parameters MAX_Iter = 20 Error = 1 MAX_STEPS = 100 #second self.angles_ik = copy.copy(self.angles) #seed with current angles count = 0 while count < MAX_Iter: error = float('Inf') steps = 0 while error > Error and steps < MAX_STEPS: J = self.J(True)[0:3,:] s = self.T(0,3,True)[:,2].reshape(3) s[2] = 0 e = (target - s).reshape(3,1) alpha = 0.001 # (3x3) x (3x1) = 3x1 dTheta = alpha*, e) self.angles_ik[0] += dTheta[0][0] self.angles_ik[1] += dTheta[1][0] self.angles_ik[2] += dTheta[2][0] self.draw_virtual() #draw the virtual arm to step error = sum(sum(e**2)) steps += 1 #check if the solution is valid (collision free) #if self.checkCollisionIK() or self.hit_ground_ik: if self.checkCollisionIK(): print 'Bad IK Solution' #re-seed with randomized angles self.angles_ik = [uniform(0,180), uniform(-180,180), uniform(-180,180)] print "re-seed the IK solver with ", self.angles_ik count += 1 print 'Iter #', count, '\n' else: print "Found Good IK Solution" print "solution: ", self.angles_ik # check range for i in range(1,3): if self.angles_ik[i] > 180: self.angles_ik[i] = 360 - self.angles_ik[i] elif self.angles_ik[i] < -180: self.angles_ik[i] = 360 + self.angles_ik[i] print "bounded solution: ", self.angles_ik return copy.copy(self.angles_ik) # can not find solution print "Can not find valid IK solution" return None # Left-Click to set a goal for IK solver (any-time) # then visualize the steps through the goal # input: target position # output: joint configuration def Jtrans_IK_Mouse(self): #default target target = np.array([0, 250, 0]) E = 1 running = 1 while running: # check left-click, update target event = pygame.event.poll() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: running = 0 elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: t = self.PointActual(event.pos[0],event.pos[1]) target[0] = t[0] target[1] = t[1] print "Goal: ", target J = self.J()[0:3,:] s = self.T(0,3)[:,2].reshape(3) s[2] = 0 # Error vector (3x1) e = (target - s).reshape(3,1) alpha = 0.001 # (3x3) x (3x1) = 3x1 dTheta = alpha*, e) self.angles[0] += dTheta[0][0] self.angles[1] += dTheta[1][0] self.angles[2] += dTheta[2][0] self.draw() # check collision after drawing if arm.checkCollision(): print "!! Collision -- Obstacle !!" elif arm.hit_ground: print "!! Collision -- Ground !!" # Create a graph object for the Configuration Space def createGraphConfig(self): nodeList = [] nodeDict = {} x_free = y_free = z_free = np.array([]) x_occ = y_occ = z_occ = np.array([]) angles1 = range(0,181,GRID_SIZE) angles2 = range(-180,181,GRID_SIZE) angles3 = range(-180,181,GRID_SIZE) for k in range(len(angles3)): for j in range(len(angles2)): for i in range(len(angles1)): # try to move there and see if collision angles = [0+GRID_SIZE*i, -180+GRID_SIZE*j, -180+GRID_SIZE*k] self.updateArm(angles, [0,1,2]) self.draw() if self.checkCollision(): collide = True if PLOT_CSPACE: x_occ = np.append(x_occ, 0+GRID_SIZE*i) y_occ = np.append(y_occ, -180+GRID_SIZE*j) z_occ = np.append(z_occ, -180+GRID_SIZE*k) else: collide = False if PLOT_CSPACE: x_free = np.append(x_free, 0+GRID_SIZE*i) y_free = np.append(y_free, -180+GRID_SIZE*j) z_free = np.append(z_free, -180+GRID_SIZE*k) nid = len(nodeList) coords = (i,j,k) nodeDict[coords] = nid adjs = [] #look at neighbors already seen # 13 possibilities: if (i-1,j-1,k) in nodeDict : adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i-1,j-1,k) ], 1) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i-1,j-1,k) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i-1,j,k) in nodeDict : adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i-1,j,k) ], 1.0) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i-1,j,k) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1.0) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i,j-1,k) in nodeDict : adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i,j-1,k) ], 1.0) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i,j-1,k) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1.0) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i+1,j-1,k) in nodeDict : adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i+1,j-1,k) ], 1) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i+1,j-1,k) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i-1,j-1,k-1) in nodeDict : adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i-1,j-1,k-1) ], 1) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i-1,j-1,k-1) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i-1,j,k-1) in nodeDict : adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i-1,j,k-1) ], 1) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i-1,j,k-1) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i-1,j+1,k-1) in nodeDict : adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i-1,j+1,k-1) ], 1) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i-1,j+1,k-1) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i,j-1,k-1) in nodeDict : adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i,j-1,k-1) ], 1) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i,j-1,k-1) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i,j,k-1) in nodeDict : adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i,j,k-1) ], 1.0) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i,j,k-1) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1.0) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i,j+1,k-1) in nodeDict : adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i,j+1,k-1) ], 1) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i,j+1,k-1) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i+1,j-1,k-1) in nodeDict : adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i+1,j-1,k-1) ], 1) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i+1,j-1,k-1) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i+1,j,k-1) in nodeDict : adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i+1,j,k-1) ], 1) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i+1,j,k-1) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1) ) #Add adjacency for other node if (i+1,j+1,k-1) in nodeDict : adjs.append( (nodeDict[ (i+1,j+1,k-1) ], 1) ) #Add ajacency for this node nodeList[ nodeDict[ (i+1,j+1,k-1) ] ].adjs.append( (nid, 1) ) #Add adjacency for other node # finally add to the nodeList nodeList.append(PathGraph.PathGraphNode(nid, coords, adjs, [])) # check collision in C-Space if self.checkCollision(): nodeList[nid].setState(True, 4) if PLOT_CSPACE: self.x_occ = np.append(x_occ, 0+GRID_SIZE*i) self.y_occ = np.append(y_occ, -180+GRID_SIZE*j) self.z_occ = np.append(z_occ, -180+GRID_SIZE*k) else: nodeList[nid].setState(False, 4) if PLOT_CSPACE: self.x_free = np.append(x_free, 0+GRID_SIZE*i) self.y_free = np.append(y_free, -180+GRID_SIZE*j) self.z_free = np.append(z_free, -180+GRID_SIZE*k) print "size of the graph: ", len(nodeList) graph = PathGraph(3, nodeList, nodeDict) self.graph = graph return graph # Plot the C-Space and Mark the current configuration def plotCSpace(self): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(self.x_free, self.y_free, self.z_free, zdir='z', s=40, c='b', marker='s') nid_prev = self.findNid(self.angles_prev) i,j,k = self.graph.getNode(nid_prev).getCoordinates() ax.scatter(np.array([0+GRID_SIZE*i]), np.array([-180+GRID_SIZE*j]), np.array([-180+GRID_SIZE*k]), zdir='z', s=100, c='y', marker='s') nid_curr = self.findNid(self.angles) i,j,k = self.graph.getNode(nid_curr).getCoordinates() ax.scatter(np.array([0+GRID_SIZE*i]), np.array([-180+GRID_SIZE*j]), np.array([-180+GRID_SIZE*k]), zdir='z', s=100, c='g', marker='o') x = y = z = np.array([]) for nid in self.path: i,j,k = self.graph.getNode(nid).getCoordinates() x = np.append(x, 0+GRID_SIZE*i) y = np.append(y, -180+GRID_SIZE*j) z = np.append(z, -180+GRID_SIZE*k) ax.plot(x, y, z, label='parametric curve', c='r', linewidth=4) ax.set_title('C-Space Grids') ax.set_xlabel('Joint 1 (deg)') ax.set_ylabel('Joint 2 (deg)') ax.set_zlabel('Joint 3 (deg)') # input: joint angles # output: nid in the grapg def findNid(self, angles): idx = (np.array(angles) - np.array([0, -180, -180]) ) / GRID_SIZE for i in range(0, len(idx)): idx[i] = int(idx[i]) i = idx[0] j = idx[1] k = idx[2] p1 = 180. / GRID_SIZE + 1 p2 = 360. / GRID_SIZE + 1 nid = int((p2*p1)*k + (p1)*j + i) return nid def RRT(self, target_angles): self.graph # Returns the euclidean distance between two node id's in the given graph def euclidDist(self, a, b, graph): sum = 0 for i in range(graph.coords): sum += (graph.getNode(a).coords[i] - graph.getNode(b).coords[i]) ** 2 return float(sqrt(sum)) # Keep track of "toVisit" nodes # Node state: [distance, previousNodeId, visited, g+h] def AStar(self, start, goal): toVisit = [] # a list to keep track of potential next nodes # some initialization for i in range(len(self.graph.nodeList)): self.graph.nodeList[i].state[0] = float("Inf") #distance self.graph.nodeList[i].state[1] = -1 #previousNodeId self.graph.nodeList[i].state[2] = False #have been added to toVisit or not? self.graph.nodeList[i].state[3] = float("Inf") # set the start node's distance to zero self.graph.nodeList[start].state[0] = 0 #distance is zero self.graph.nodeList[start].state[3] = self.euclidDist(start, goal, self.graph) self.graph.nodeList[start].state[2] = True toVisit.append(start) # main loop while (1): #find the nodes with smallest distance minNode, minNodeId, minDist, idx = self.findSmallestDist(toVisit) # The goal has been reached if minNodeId == goal: break # remove this node from toVisit set print 'len(toVisit)=', len(toVisit) print 'idx = ', idx del toVisit[idx] #compute the distance for all neighbors for adj in minNode.getAdjacencies() : adj_nid = adj[0] print 'adj_nid= ', adj_nid adj_dist = adj[1] adj_node = self.graph.getNode(adj_nid) print 'Collide? ', adj_node.state[4] if adj_node.state[2] == False and adj_node.state[4] == False: toVisit.append(adj_nid) #want to keep track of this nodes adj_node.setState(True, 2) # Improved distance h = self.euclidDist(adj_nid, goal, self.graph) g = minNode.state[0] + adj_dist if (g+h < adj_node.state[3]): adj_node.setState(g, 0) #update the distance adj_node.setState(minNodeId, 1) #update previousNodeId #adj_node.setState(max(g+h, minNode.state[3]), 3) #update the g+h adj_node.setState(g+h, 3) #update the g+h # Form the path self.formPath(start, goal) return self.path #Find the node with smallest distance in the unvisited set def findSmallestDist(self, toVisit): minNodeId = 0 minDist = float("Inf") idx = 0 count = 0 for i in toVisit: if self.graph.nodeList[i].state[3] < minDist: idx = count minDist = self.graph.nodeList[i].state[3] minNodeId = i count += 1 minNode = self.graph.nodeList[minNodeId] return minNode, minNodeId, minDist, idx # Reverse the Nodes and get the path def formPath(self, start, goal): self.path = [] self.path.append(goal) current_nid = goal while current_nid != start: self.path.insert(0, self.graph.nodeList[current_nid].state[1]) print "current id=" ,self.graph.nodeList[current_nid].state[1] current_nid = self.graph.nodeList[current_nid].state[1] print self.path # A-Star pathfinding algorithm. # A greedy algorithm that uses an admissable heuristic, so it finds a guaranteed shortest path. def AStar2(self, start, goal): self.visited = [] if self.graph != None: for i in range(self.graph.getNodeCount()): self.visited.append(None) toVisit = PriorityQueue() # Start of the algorithm self.visited[start] = (0, None) toVisit.put( (0 + self.euclidDist(start, goal, self.graph), start, None) ) while not toVisit.empty(): # Start of the main loop nextTuple = toVisit.get() #Get the next node next = nextTuple[1] nextDist = self.visited[next][0] #Total distance travelled to get to here. #Use this instead of the toVisit, as that is estimated dist. to goal if next == goal: #Success! lastPathNode = goal # Construct the path list self.pathCost = self.visited[goal][0] # 0 denotes cost to get to this node self.path = [] while self.visited[lastPathNode][1] != None: self.path.append(lastPathNode) lastPathNode = self.visited[lastPathNode][1] # 1 denotes the node we just came from self.path.append(start) self.path.reverse() print 'The Planned Path:', self.path return self.path for adjacency in self.graph.getAdjacencies(next): # For each neightbor, see if have a path to nextNbr, cost = adjacency[0], adjacency[1] totalTravel = nextDist + cost if not self.graph.nodeList[nextNbr].state[4]: #if not collision if self.visited[nextNbr] == None: # The neighbor is unvisited self.visited[nextNbr] = ( totalTravel, next ) # Mark the node as visited goalDist = self.euclidDist(nextNbr, goal, self.graph) # Estimated distance (euclidean) toVisit.put( (totalTravel + goalDist, nextNbr, next) ) # Add node to priority queue elif totalTravel < self.visited[nextNbr][0]: # The neighbor has been visited, but that is shorter # if we've found a shorter route to nextNbr self.visited[nextNbr] = (totalTravel, next) # then replace old route to nextNbr with new goalDist = self.euclidDist(nextNbr, goal, self.graph) toVisit.put( (totalTravel + goalDist, nextNbr, next) ) #else: Node has been visited, but current path is equal or longer self.path = None print 'No Collision Free Path is found, Please try again' return None if __name__ == "__main__": # define the arm parameters length = [100, 100, 50] #the length of links init_angles = [90, 0, 0] #joint angles colors = [(0,0,255), (0,255,80), (255,0,0)] #the color for each link arm = ArmPlanning(length, init_angles, colors) # put obstacles arm.addObstacle( (50,0,100), (-110, 180), int(30) ) arm.addObstacle( (100,25,60), (90, 200), int(30) ) #arm.addObstacle( (50,0,100), (140, 120), int(25) ) # explore and create graph in C-Space arm.createGraphConfig() # draw initial pose init_angles = [90, 0, 0] #joint angles start_id = arm.findNid(init_angles) arm.updateArm([init_angles[0],init_angles[1],init_angles[2]], [0,1,2]) arm.draw() # Main Loop running = 1 while running: # check left-click, update goal event = pygame.event.poll() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: #press ESC to leave running = 0 elif event.key == pygame.K_d: arm.plotCSpace() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: t = arm.PointActual(event.pos[0],event.pos[1]) target = np.array([t[0], t[1], 0]) print "New Goal: ", target arm.addGoal([t[0],t[1]]) # Find IK solution print '\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FINDING IK SOLUTION...... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n' target_angles = arm.Jtrans_IK(target) if target_angles == None: print '==== Try Another Goal ! ====' else: target_id = arm.findNid(target_angles) print 'target_id= ', target_id # current nid start_id = arm.findNid(arm.angles) # planning in C-Space print '\n@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PLANNING...... @@@@@@@@@@@@@\n' path = arm.AStar2(start_id, target_id) if path == None: print '===== Try Again ! ======' else: arm.angles_prev = copy.copy(arm.angles) # move the arm according to the planning results for nid in path: time.sleep(0.05) #delay for doing animation i,j,k = arm.graph.getNode(nid).getCoordinates() angles = [0+GRID_SIZE*i, -180+GRID_SIZE*j, -180+GRID_SIZE*k] arm.updateArm([angles[0],angles[1],angles[2]], [0,1,2]) arm.draw() # finished print "Goal achieved!" print 'final angle: ', arm.angles, ' , nid=', arm.findNid(arm.angles)