import pygame from pygame.locals import * import time import random import numpy as np from random import shuffle import sys import cv2, cv from copy import copy #GLOBAL FUNCTIONS #cumulative dot product for a list of numpy arrays def CumulDot(MList, i): if i == 0: Cdot = MList[0] else: Cdot = MList[0] for j in range(1,i+1): Cdot =,MList[j]) return Cdot #Rounds value to the nearest N integer def round_N(val, N): dev = 0.5 if N>=0 else -0.5 return int(val/N+dev)*N #Sets allowable rotation range for angle configurations #Converts angles > max to a value between max and min def setRange(angle, max, min): if angle > max or angle < min: angle360 = angle % max elif angle < min: angle360 = angle % min else: angle360 = angle return angle360 #Call to the Pygame event handler. Used to escape potential infinite loops during debugging def handleEvents(): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: # goal = np.array(list(arm.PointTrue((event.pos)))[:3]) return class ArmPlanning(): def __init__(self, length, angles, goal, colors): pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((DISP_WIDTH, DISP_HEIGHT)) self.screen.fill((255,255,255)) self.length = length self.angles = angles #joint angles self.colors = colors #the color for each link self.dof = len(angles) #degree of freedom self.points = [self.PointDisplay([0, 0])]*(self.dof+1) # shift to the center self.eloc = self.PointTrue(self.points[-1])[:3] #effector location in x,y,z coordinates self.obstacles = [] self.lines = [pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,0,0)] * self.dof self.obstacle_rects = [] #defines the transformation matrices for the arm c = np.cos(angles) s = np.sin(angles) self.A = [np.array([[c[i], -s[i], 0 , length[i] * c[i]], [s[i], c[i], 0 , length[i] * s[i]],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]) for i in range(len(length))] self.T = [CumulDot(self.A,i) for i in range(len(self.A))] #RRT Planning Stuff self.start = None self.end = None self.graph=[] self.randList=[] self.startTree = {} self.endTree = {} self.intersection = None #coordinates where trees intersect self.path = [] #list of configurations which map the found path #used to store screen captures self.images = [] self.imagecheck = True #Draws the arm in its current configuration in Pygame def draw(self): self.screen.fill ((255, 255, 255)) #clean the screen first # draw the whole arm self.lines = [pygame.draw.line(self.screen, colors[i], self.points[i], self.points[i+1], 5) for i in range(0, self.dof)] # draw the obstacles for i in range(0, len(self.obstacles)): self.obstacle_rects[i] =, self.obstacles[i][0], self.obstacles[i][1], self.obstacles[i][2], 0) pygame.display.update() if self.imagecheck == True: #Take a screen capture of the current configuration and saves it as a 2D numpy array #NOTE:This slows system performance considerably. Comment out for faster operation. screenshot = pygame.display.get_surface() np_image = pygame.surfarray.array3d(screenshot) self.images.append(np_image) def addObstacle(self, color, loc, radius): obs = (color, self.PointDisplay([loc[0],loc[1]]), radius) self.obstacles.append(obs) self.obstacle_rects.append(pygame.rect.Rect(0,0,0,0)) # Convert a point, (x,y) Tuple, to PyGame coordinate def PointDisplay(self, point): return (DISP_WIDTH/2 + point[0], DISP_HEIGHT - point[1]) # Converts an (x,y) tuple to world coordinates (flip of pygame coordinates) def PointTrue(self, (x, y)): return [x - DISP_WIDTH/2, DISP_HEIGHT - y,0.0,1.0] #Forward kinematics method that updates (x,y) joint locations from specified joint configurations def fKinematics(self, angles): self.angles = angles c = np.cos(angles) s = np.sin(angles) self.A = [np.array([[c[i], -s[i], 0 , self.length[i] * c[i]], [s[i], c[i], 0 , self.length[i] * s[i]],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]) for i in range(len(self.length))] self.T = [CumulDot(self.A,i) for i in range(len(self.A))] old_pts = [self.PointTrue(point) for point in self.points] new_pts = [[i], old_pts[0]).tolist() for i in range(len(self.T))] new_pts.insert(0, old_pts[0]) return new_pts #new locations in WORLD space #Inverse kinematics via the inverse Jacobian method. Uses Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse method def iKinematics(self, goal): J = self.getJacobian() JI = np.linalg.pinv(J) goal3D = np.hstack((goal,[0,0,1])) loc3D = np.hstack((self.eloc,[0,0,1])) de = BETA * (goal3D-loc3D) dt =,de) theta = arm.angles + dt return theta #Calculates the Jacobian of a 2D system def getJacobian(self): ai = np.array([0,0,1]) #unit length rotation axis in WORLD space (always z-axis for 2D problem) e = np.asarray(self.eloc) dedt = [np.cross(ai, e - np.asarray(self.PointTrue(point[:3])[:3])) for point in self.points[0:self.dof]] J1 = np.array(dedt).transpose() J2 = np.array([ai]*self.dof).transpose() J=np.vstack((J1,J2)) return J #RRT Planning Algorithm which uses an implicit map discretization def RRTExtend2(self, someTree, goalNode): distances = dict((node, np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(node)-np.asarray(goalNode))) for node in someTree) nearestNode = min(distances, key = distances.get) delta = (np.asarray(goalNode)-np.asarray(nearestNode))/np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(nearestNode)-np.asarray(goalNode)) newNode = tuple(nearestNode) distance = np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(newNode)-np.asarray(goalNode)) while distance > RRTTOLERANCE: handleEvents() lastNode = newNode newNode = newNode + delta distance = np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(newNode)-np.asarray(goalNode)) #check if newest configuration is in collision with an obstacle check = self.collisionCheck(newNode) if check == True: return #this handles the case where roundoff error makes lastNode and newNode equal if tuple(np.round(lastNode)) != tuple(np.round(newNode)): someTree[tuple(np.round(newNode))] = tuple(np.round(lastNode)) #if trees intersect, end the tree extension self.FindIntersections() if self.intersection != None: print 'intersection found at: ' + str(self.intersection) return return def FindIntersections(self): for key in self.startTree: if key in self.endTree: self.intersection = key def BuildPath(self): print 'building paths to/from:' + str(self.intersection) self.path=[] startPath = [] endPath = [] #find the path from intersection back to start node = self.intersection print 'building start path' while node != self.start: startPath.append(node) node = self.startTree[node]#moves one node back in path handleEvents() startPath.reverse() #reverse path so it begins at start startPath.pop() #removes meetingNode from startPath (will be included in endPath) #find the path from intersection to end node = self.intersection print 'building end path' while node != self.end: endPath.append(node) node = self.endTree[node]#moves one node back in path handleEvents() self.path = startPath + endPath # check each link to see if it collides with an obstacle def collisionCheck(self, config): #get the joint locations of the configuration (in PYGAME space) config_pts = self.fKinematics(np.radians(config)) config_pts = [self.PointDisplay(point) for point in config_pts] links = [pygame.draw.line(self.screen, colors[i], config_pts[i], config_pts[i+1], 5) for i in range(0, self.dof)] for link in links: if (link.collidelist(self.obstacle_rects[1:]) != -1): return True return False #-------------------------------------Main Program---------------------------------------------- # the units are (cm or pixel), and (degree) # The coordinate of PyGame is: # ---> x # ' # ' # y # the upperleft pixel is (0,0) # Note: use function PointDisplay() to convert to PyGame coordinate # use function PointActual() to convert to the actual coordinate # The size of the display window DISP_WIDTH = 500 DISP_HEIGHT = 300 length = [100, 50, 50,0] init_angles = [-25,-25,-25,0] colors = [(0,0,255),(255,0,0),(0,255,0),(0,255,0)] goal = np.array([0,200,0]) #allowable angle range for arm tmax = 180 tmin = -180 #Other calibration constants BETA = 0.05 #step size for IK solution GRID = 5 #configuration space discretization IKTOLERANCE = 5 #tolerance threshold for IK solution convergence RRTTOLERANCE = 1 #tolerance threshold for RRT "extend" function to be at goal node print '------------------------APPLICATION DEBUG COMMENTS--------------------' print 'Arm is allowed to explore configurations that are "off screen"' print '------------------------------END COMMENTS----------------------------' print '---------------------------BEGIN MAIN PROGRAM-------------------------' if __name__ == "__main__": arm = ArmPlanning(length, np.radians(init_angles), goal, colors) #this sets the goal arm.addObstacle( (0,255,0), goal.tolist(), int(12.5) ) #these are additional obstacles arm.addObstacle( (255,105,180), [-100,100,0] , int(7)) arm.addObstacle( (255,105,180), [100,100,0] , int(7)) #arm.addObstacle( (255,105,180), [-50,100,0] , int(5)) #arm.addObstacle( (255,105,180), [50,100,0] , int(5)) arm.draw() if arm.imagecheck: print 'WARNING: storing each screen shot as image! This will result in significant slowdown. Set imagecheck flag to False to disable screen captures ' angleRange = np.arange(tmin,tmax,GRID) configMap = [(t1,t2,t3,0) for t1 in np.arange(tmin, tmax, GRID) for t2 in np.arange(tmin,tmax, GRID) for t3 in np.arange(tmin, tmax,GRID)] while True: i=0 handleEvents() #first, find the start and goal configurations distance = np.linalg.norm(goal-np.asarray(arm.eloc)) print 'Finding goal configuration via Jacobian inverse kinematics' while distance > IKTOLERANCE: handleEvents() #given goal in WORLD space, find the corresponding configuration in joint space new_config = arm.iKinematics(goal) #given new configuration in joint space, move joints in WORLD space new_pts = arm.fKinematics(new_config) #update joint locations (stored in display coordinates) arm.points = [arm.PointDisplay(point) for point in new_pts] arm.draw() #update end effector location and distance from goal (stored in WORLD coordinates) arm.eloc = arm.PointTrue(arm.points[-1])[:3] distance = np.linalg.norm(goal-np.asarray(arm.eloc)) #keep track of iteration counts to prevent infinite loop conditions i += 1 if i>500: print 'failed to converge' break #take found configurations and plan using RRT print 'Path planning via RRT' #Initializations arm.start = tuple([float(round_N(angle,GRID)) for angle in init_angles]) arm.end = [setRange(angle, tmax,tmin) for angle in np.degrees(arm.angles)] arm.end = [round_N(angle,GRID) for angle in arm.end] arm.end[3] = 0 arm.end = tuple(arm.end) print 'Start Configuration: ' + str(arm.start) print 'Goal Configuration: ' + str(arm.end) arm.startTree[arm.start]='' arm.endTree[arm.end]='' arm.graph = configMap #graph is a list of coordinate tuples arm.randList = copy(configMap) #Build list of node IDs in map, shuffle it randomly shuffle(arm.randList) arm.randList.remove(arm.start) arm.randList.remove(arm.end) while arm.randList: handleEvents() randomNode = arm.randList.pop() #print 'RRT Goal Node: ' + str(randomNode) arm.RRTExtend2(arm.startTree, randomNode) arm.RRTExtend2(arm.endTree, randomNode) if arm.intersection != None: # arm.BuildPath() print 'start of path: ' + str(arm.start) print 'end of path: ' + str(arm.end) break print 'plannning complete' #animate the arm moving from start to goal configurations using path found from RRT while arm.path: newConfig = list(arm.path.pop(0)) new_pts = arm.fKinematics(np.radians(newConfig)) arm.points = [arm.PointDisplay(point) for point in new_pts] arm.draw() #make a video from image sequence using opencv img1=arm.images[0] fps = 20 width = img1.shape[0] height = img1.shape[1] fourcc = cv.CV_FOURCC('D','I','V','X') #mpeg4 video codec writer = cv2.VideoWriter('out.avi', fourcc, fps, (width, height)) for image in arm.images: imgfinal = np.zeros((image.shape[0],image.shape[1],3), dtype=np.uint8) imgfinal[:,:,0] = image[:,:,2] * 1 imgfinal[:,:,1] = image[:,:,1] * 1 imgfinal[:,:,2] = image[:,:,0] * 1 imgfinal=np.swapaxes(imgfinal,0,1) writer.write(imgfinal) print 'video finished' print 'Program complete. Press ESCAPE to exit' while True: handleEvents()