from PathGraph import * from Queue import PriorityQueue from math import sqrt from collections import deque from random import shuffle from time import sleep from time import time # This returns an instantiated version of the pathfinding classes specified. # If a pathfinding algorithm is added here, it will automatically show up in the gui. def allPathfinding(graph): return [ AStar(graph), RRT(graph), # NodePlot(graph), Dijkstra(graph), # Astar2(graph), # RRT2(graph) Laplace(graph) ] # Returns the euclidean distance between two node id's in the given graph def euclidDist(a,b, graph): sum = 0 for i in range(graph.coords): sum += (graph.getNode(a).coords[i] - graph.getNode(b).coords[i]) ** 2 return float(sqrt(sum)) # The base pathfinding class. Inherit and overwrite FindPath to implement a pathfinding algorithm. class Pathfind: label = "" # The label of the Pathfinding class. Used as the label on the gui # Creates a new instance of the pathfinding class, over the specified PathGraph. # Does not have to be linked to a gui. def __init__(self, graph, gui=None): self.graph = graph self.gui = gui self.path = None self.pathLen = -1 self.drawnObjects = [] # Find a path from the starting node id to the goal node id. # Such a path found is a list of node id's, which form a valid path from startNodeID # to goalNodeID, such that each node represented in the array is adjacent to its # immediate neighbors in the list. List is NOT returned, instead set it to self.path # Default behavior is to fail to find a path. Overwrite this in path algorithms implemented. def FindPath(self, startNodeID, goalNodeID): self.path = None return # Returns a list of tuples of imformation about the path. # The list is of 2-tuples. Entry 1 is the label, entry 2 is the information. # Default behavior is to return the length. Overwrite this is desired in path algorithms implemented. def GetStats(self): if self.path == None: return [("No Path Found", "")] pathStats = [] length = 0 for nodeID, adjNodeID in zip(self.path[:-1], self.path[1:]): adjCost = self.graph.getAdjacencyCost(nodeID, adjNodeID) if adjCost: length += adjCost pathStats.append(("Path Length:", round(length,3))) return pathStats ############################################# # Nothing needs to be overwritten past here # ############################################# # Set which gui this is attached to. def SetGui(self, gui): self.gui = gui # Smooth the path. Currently does not work as intended. def Smooth(self): if self.path: #pathobjects = [] thisnodem2=[] # node-2 thisnodem1=[] # node-1 xm1 = -1 ym1 = -1 xp1 = -1 yp1 = -1 xavg = -1 yavg = -1 for index in range(1,len(self.path)-1,2): # starting at 1, ending at next to last, in steps of 2 nodeID = self.path[index] thisnode = self.graph.getNode(nodeID) (x,y) = thisnode.getCoordinates() prevnode = self.graph.getNode(nodeID-1) (xm1,ym1) = prevnode.getCoordinates() nextnode = self.graph.getNode(nodeID+1) (xp1,yp1) = nextnode.getCoordinates() xavg = 0.5* (xm1 + xp1) yavg = 0.5* (ym1 + yp1) x2 = int(0.5+(x - 2.0*(x-xavg))) y2 = int(0.5+(y - 2.0*(y-yavg))) targetnode = self.graph.nodeDict.get((x2,y2),None) if (targetnode != None): print x, ' -> ', x2, ', ', y, ' -> ',y2 self.path[index] = targetnode else: print "No change: ",x,", ",y #thisnode.setCoordinates((x2,y2)) #print "(x,y)= (", x,",",y,") (x2,y2)= (", x2,",",y2,")", #print "(xm1,ym1)= (", xm1,",",ym1,") (xp1,yp1)= (", xp1,",",yp1,")" #print self.path else: return # If there is an attached gui, draw the list of nodeID's in drawList. color and fill are the colors desired, # height and width control the size of the rectangles drawn. If clear is False, does not remove any previous # results from calling this. # This is used by the "animation" feature from the gui, to animate your planning algorithm. def DrawList(self, drawList, height=0, width=0, color='green', fill=None, clear=True): if self.gui and self.gui.planDraw.get(): if clear: self.ClearDraws() for node in drawList: (x,y) = self.graph.getNode(node).getCoordinates() self.drawnObjects.append(,y+height,x-width,y-height,outline=color, fill=fill)) self.gui.tkroot.update_idletasks() # Clear all the graphics from calling DrawList def ClearDraws(self): if self.drawnObjects: for obj in self.drawnObjects: self.drawnObjects = [] # Return the path found (or the lack of such) def ReturnPath(self): return self.path class Laplace(Pathfind): label = "Laplace ala Dave" #redefinition of DrawList to plot the color by field strength def DrawList(self, drawList, height=0, width=0, color= 'green', fill=None, clear=False): if self.gui and self.gui.planDraw.get(): # if clear: # self.ClearDraws() for node in drawList: (x,y) = self.graph.getNode(node).getCoordinates() if self.graph.getNode(node).charge > 0.9: color = 'black' elif self.graph.getNode(node).charge > 0.8: color = 'blue' elif self.graph.getNode(node).charge > 0.7: color = 'cyan' elif self.graph.getNode(node).charge > 0.6: color = 'brown' elif self.graph.getNode(node).charge > 0.5: color = 'green' else: color = 'red' self.drawnObjects.append(,y+height,x-width,y-height,outline=color, fill=fill)) self.gui.tkroot.update_idletasks() def FindPath(self, start, end): #initializations tolerance = 0.003 maxErr = 1.0 nNeighbors = 8 iteration = 0 #just a debug iteration checker maxCharge = 1.0 for node in self.graph.nodeList: if node.nid == end: node.charge = 0.0 else: node.charge = 0.5 #values in node.val and node.error are initialized in #intialize end charge to 0 #self.graph.getNode(start).charge = 1.0 self.graph.getNode(end).charge = 0.0 #how to handle nodes on the boundary, which get a charge of 1? #solving Laplace's equation for the problem #while maxErr > tolerance: while iteration < 20: checkNode = self.graph.getNode(end) for neb in checkNode.adjs: print self.graph.getNode(neb[0]).charge print "check node charge at iteration" +str(iteration) + ": "+ str(checkNode.charge) for node in self.graph.nodeList: if node.nid != end: #make sure we don't edit end charge tmp = node.charge sumVal = 0 for neb in node.adjs: sumVal = sumVal + self.graph.getNode(neb[0]).charge #if there are less than 8 neighbors, node is at boundary #add a max charge to sum for each boundary node sumVal = sumVal + maxCharge * (nNeighbors - len(node.adjs)) node.charge = sumVal / nNeighbors node.error = abs(node.charge - tmp) else: node.error = 0 maxErr = max([node.error for node in self.graph.nodeList]) iteration = iteration + 1 print "iterations to convergence: " + str(iteration) #visualization of the field: #for node in self.graph.nodeList: # print "charge: " + str(node.charge) fieldList = [node.nid for node in self.graph.nodeList] self.DrawList(fieldList, clear = False) #build the path from start by moving to node with biggest potential difference #self.path = [] #empty list of node ids #self.path.append(start) #currentNode = self.graph.getNode(start) #while currentNode.nid != end: # nebGrads = {} # for neb in currentNode.adjs: # nebGrads[neb[0]] = currentNode.charge - self.graph.getNode(neb[0]).charge # currentNode = self.graph.getNode(max(nebGrads, key = nebGrads.get)) #move to node with highest positive difference # self.path.append(currentNode.nid) return class RRT2(Pathfind): label = "RRT ala Dave" def FindPath(self,start,end): begin = time() #initializations #create two trees which begin at start and end, respectively #trees are dictionaries which track nodes and the previous node in the tree startTree = {} endTree = {} startTree[start]="" endTree[end]="" #Build list of node IDs in map, shuffle it randomly randList = [node.nid for node in self.graph.nodeList] shuffle(randList) randList.remove(start) randList.remove(end) #subroutine "Extend": #1. Construct a dict of all nodes in someTree and their euclidean distance to someNode #2. Finds the nearest node in a tree to a given node by euclidean distance #3. Adds new nodes to tree while sequentially moving towards random node #4. Each time a node is added, it is removed from the primary nodelist #5. If an obstacle is reached, the branch ends, else it ends when goal is reached def Extend(someTree, someNode, otherTree): distances = dict((node, euclidDist(node, someNode, self.graph)) for node in someTree) nearestNode = min(distances, key = distances.get) newNode = 0 Trapped = False while newNode != someNode: meetingNode = FindIntersection(someTree, otherTree) newNode, isTrapped = Step(nearestNode, someNode) #if we can't go any further, stop extending if isTrapped == True: return meetingNode someTree[newNode] = nearestNode #this if/else is necessary when the two trees meet and nodes were popped elsewhere if newNode in randList: randList.remove(newNode)#remove newNode from randList else: return meetingNode nearestNode = newNode return meetingNode #subroutine "Step": #1. find all of the adjacents to redNode #2. return the neighbor with the minimum distance to blueNode (along trajectory) def Step(redNode, blueNode): neighbors = self.graph.getAdjacencies(redNode) nebDists = dict((neighbor[0], euclidDist(neighbor[0], blueNode, self.graph)) for neighbor in neighbors) minNeb = min(nebDists, key = nebDists.get) #check if redNode is "trapped" (i.e. can't extend any further towards goal) #define being trapped as the distance from a node is less than the distance from any neighbor if euclidDist(redNode, blueNode, self.graph) < nebDists[minNeb]: Trapped = True else: Trapped = False return minNeb, Trapped #subroutine "CheckIntersection" #1. compare the keys in two dictionaries #2 if a key exists in both dicts, return it, else return 0 def FindIntersection(redDict, blueDict): for key in redDict: if key in blueDict: print 'trees intersect!' return key return 0 #subroutine "BuildPath" #1. constructs a path from start to end which meets at a node def BuildPath(someNode, redTree, blueTree): self.path=[] startPath = [] endPath = [] #find the path from intersection back to start nodeID = someNode while nodeID != start: startPath.append(nodeID) nodeID = startTree[nodeID]#moves one node back in path startPath.reverse() #reverse path so it begins at start startPath.pop() #removes meetingNode from startPath (will be included in endPath) #find the path from intersection to end nodeID = someNode while nodeID != end: endPath.append(nodeID) nodeID = endTree[nodeID]#moves one node back in path self.path = startPath + endPath return #Main algorithm: #1. pop a node off of the randomized node list #2. extend each tree towards that node #3. check for tree intersection #4. lather, rinse, repeat while randList: randomNode = randList.pop() meetCheck1 = Extend(startTree, randomNode, endTree) meetCheck2 = Extend(endTree, randomNode, startTree) self.DrawList(startTree.keys(), clear = False, color='green') self.DrawList(endTree.keys(), clear = False, color = 'red') if meetCheck1 > 0: elapsed = (time() - begin) print "seconds to find path: " + str(elapsed) BuildPath(meetCheck1, startTree, endTree) return elif meetCheck2>0: elapsed = (time() - begin) print "seconds to find path: " + str(elapsed) BuildPath(meetCheck2, startTree, endTree) return #if all nodes have been explored and there are no intersections, no path exists self.path = None return # Node Plot: Plots the ID of all the nodes in the graph # 1. gets the list of all nodes from the map graph # 2. prints those nodes to the screen # 3. prints adjacent nodes and distances class NodePlot(Pathfind): label = "Node Plot" def FindPath(self, dummy1, dummy2): for i in self.graph.nodeList: print "Node Number: " + str(i.nid) print "Node Location: " + i.coordinateString() print "List of Adjacent Nodes:" for j in i.adjs: print "Node: " + str(j[0]) + ", Distance of: " + str(j[1]) class Dijkstra(Pathfind): label = "Dijkstra" def FindPath(self, start, end): begin = time() #function to pull a subdictionary from a larger dictionary...thank you stackoverflow def sub_dict(somedict, somekeys, default=None): return dict([(k, somedict.get(k,default)) for k in somekeys ]) ##########initialization############# an empty dictionary of node IDs (keys) and stored distances an empty dictionary of last nodeIDs through minimum path (current node is dict key) distance = {} last = {} #3.set all nodal distances to infinity and dictionary of last IDs to empty for node in self.graph.nodeList: distance[node.nid] = float('inf') last[node.nid] = "" #4.set start node distance to 0 distance[start] = 0 #5.create a list of unvisited nodes (all nodes) and visited node IDs (no nodes) unvisited = [node.nid for node in self.graph.nodeList] visited =[] ############main algorithm############### while unvisited: #build a subdictionary of unvisited distances and their nodes unDist=sub_dict(distance,[nodeID for nodeID in unvisited]) #find node with minimum distance in subdictionary minID = min(unDist,key=unDist.get) minDist = unDist[minID] #remove minimum node from unvisited list and add to visited list unvisited.remove(minID) visited.append(minID) #find all neighbors of min nod and compare new distance to stored #update as necessary with the minimum for neighbor in self.graph.getNode(minID).adjs: if distance[neighbor[0]] > distance[minID]+neighbor[1]: distance[neighbor[0]] = distance[minID]+neighbor[1] last[neighbor[0]] = minID #draw last 20 visited nodes draw=[nodeID for nodeID in visited[-20:]] self.DrawList(draw,width=2,height=2) #once the end is reached, build the optimal path using minimum path list ("last") if minID == end: elapsed = (time() - begin) print "seconds to find goal: " + str(elapsed) self.path = [] nodeID = end while nodeID != start: self.path.append(nodeID) nodeID = last[nodeID] #move to next neighbor self.path.reverse() return class Astar2(Pathfind): label = "AStar Ala Dave" def FindPath(self, start, end): begin = time() #function to pull a subdictionary from a larger dictionary...thank you stackoverflow def sub_dict(somedict, somekeys, default=None): return dict([(k, somedict.get(k,default)) for k in somekeys ]) ##########initialization############# an empty dictionary of lists of distances from start and euclidean to end, with node IDs as keys an empty dictionary of last nodeIDs through minimum path (current node is dict key) distance = {} last = {} #3.set all nodal distances to infinity and dictionary of last IDs to empty for node in self.graph.nodeList: distance[node.nid] = [float('inf'), euclidDist(node.nid, end,self.graph)] last[node.nid] = "" #4.set start node distance to 0, euclidean distance to whatever it is distance[start] = [0,euclidDist(node.nid, end, self.graph)] #5.create a list of unvisited nodes (all nodes) and visited node IDs (no nodes) unvisited = [node.nid for node in self.graph.nodeList] visited =[] #######main algorithm############## while unvisited: #build a subdictionary of unvisited distances and their nodes unDist=sub_dict(distance,[nodeID for nodeID in unvisited]) #find minimum combined distance in subdictionary (sum of distance from start and euclid distance to end) minID = min(unDist,key=lambda i: sum(unDist[i])) minDist = unDist[minID] #remove min node from unvisited, add to visited unvisited.remove(minID) visited.append(minID) #compare minimum node's distance + distance to vertex with stored neighbor's distance from start for neighbor in self.graph.getNode(minID).adjs: if distance[neighbor[0]][0] > distance[minID][0]+neighbor[1]: distance[neighbor[0]][0] = distance[minID][0]+neighbor[1] last[neighbor[0]] = minID #draw last 20 visited nodes draw=[nodeID for nodeID in visited[-20:]] self.DrawList(draw,width=2,height=2) #once the end is reached, build the optimal path using minimum path list ("last") if minID == end: elapsed = (time() - begin) print str(elapsed) + "seconds to find goal" self.path = [] nodeID = end while nodeID != start: self.path.append(nodeID) nodeID = last[nodeID] self.path.reverse() return # Iterative Deepening Depth-First Search. A very slow algorithm, this is not advised # to be run on any large graph. # class DepthFirst(Pathfind): label = "Depth-First" # Get all the vertices adjacent to the specified node ID def getAdj(self, node): tovisit = [] for n in self.graph.getAdjacencies(node): tovisit.append(n[0]) return tovisit # Do a depth-first search from node to goal, moving at most depth steps. def DepthFirst(self, node, goal, depth): if (depth == 0 and node == goal): return True elif (depth > 0): for nbr in self.getAdj(node): self.path.append(nbr) self.DrawList(self.path, width=1, height=1) #Draw the path found so far. if self.DepthFirst(nbr, goal, depth-1): return True self.path.pop() return False else: return False # Find a shortest path from node id sn to node id en by putting an increasing maximum distance # to do a depth-first search on. def FindPath(self, sn, en): self.path = [sn] for maxDepth in range(int(euclidDist(sn, en, self.graph)+ 0.5)/2, len(self.graph.nodeList)+1): if self.DepthFirst(sn, en, maxDepth): return self.path = None # A-Star pathfinding algorithm. # A greedy algorithm that uses an admissable heuristic, so it finds a guaranteed shortest path. # class AStar(Pathfind): label = "A-Star" # Find the shortest path between the node id start and the node id goal, using A-Star. def FindPath(self, start, goal): begin = time() # Need an array keeping track of the cost to get to a node, # and what node it came from # This means that we can overwrite particular entries, # and do this search iteratively # So, we make a new array of tuples, # containing the previous nid and the cost to get there # List(costTo, prev) # If unself.visited, is None self.visited = [] if self.graph != None: for i in range(self.graph.getNodeCount()): self.visited.append(None) # The toVisit array contains a list of lists, containing the node, # where it came from, and cost. # Priority queue is based on this cost. # Maybe split up cost into to and from. # PriorityQueue toVisit = PriorityQueue() # Start of the algorithm self.visited[start] = (0, None) toVisit.put( (0 + euclidDist(start, goal, self.graph), start, None) ) draw = deque([]) while not toVisit.empty(): # Start of the main loop nextTuple = toVisit.get() #Get the next node next = nextTuple[1] nextDist = self.visited[next][0] #Total distance travelled to get to here. #Use this instead of the toVisit, as that is estimated dist. to goal # The nature of A-Star makes it difficult to determine what the current idea of what the best path is. # Instead of trying to do that, we draw the last 50 nodes explored. # original drawing code if len(draw) >= 50: draw.popleft() draw.append(next) self.DrawList(draw, width=2, height=2) if next == goal: #Success! elapsed = (time() - begin) print str(elapsed) + "seconds to find goal" lastPathNode = goal # Construct the path list self.pathCost = self.visited[goal][0] # 0 denotes cost to get to this node self.path = [] while self.visited[lastPathNode][1] != None: self.path.append(lastPathNode) lastPathNode = self.visited[lastPathNode][1] # 1 denotes the node we just came from self.path.append(start) self.path.reverse() return for adjacency in self.graph.getAdjacencies(next): # For each neightbor, see if have a path to nextNbr, cost = adjacency[0], adjacency[1] totalTravel = nextDist + cost if self.visited[nextNbr] == None: # The neighbor is unvisited self.visited[nextNbr] = ( totalTravel, next ) # Mark the node as visited goalDist = euclidDist(nextNbr, goal, self.graph) # Estimated distance (euclidean) toVisit.put( (totalTravel + goalDist, nextNbr, next) ) # Add node to priority queue elif totalTravel < self.visited[nextNbr][0]: # The neighbor has been visited, but that is shorter # if we've found a shorter route to nextNbr self.visited[nextNbr] = (totalTravel, next) # then replace old route to nextNbr with new goalDist = euclidDist(nextNbr, goal, self.graph) toVisit.put( (totalTravel + goalDist, nextNbr, next) ) #else: Node has been visited, but current path is equal or longer self.path = None return # A pathfinding algorithm that utilizes Rapidly-exploring Random Trees for pathfinding. # Trees are rapidly grown from the start and end nodes, and once they meet, a path is created # Using the branches of the trees created. # NOT guaranteed to be optimal (In fact, most often isn't) # # class RRT(Pathfind): label = "RRT" # Finds a path between the node id startID and the node id goalID by growing two trees, one rooted # at startID, the other at goalID def FindPath(self, startID, goalID): # Randomize the list of nodes, so we can iterate over it to get random nodes. nodeList = self.graph.getNodes()[:] nodeCount = len(nodeList) shuffle(nodeList) # Store the RRTs as dictionaries, mapping node ids to the node they came from. Separate dictionaries, # as there may be overlap, and each node points in a different direction. # JRS: Hmm, possible optimization? If we just had one dict, then when we looked up the # nearest neb and found it was in the other tree, maybe we could make a connection? # Would probably need to add a "color" variable to the tree...? startPathDictionary = {startID : None} goalPathDictionary = {goalID : None} # We swap the "primary" tree each pass currPathDict = startPathDictionary otherPathDict = goalPathDictionary # Determines which dictionary is which tree, for coloring purposes. Negated every pass. dictOneCurr = True # Get the nearest neighbor in the given dictionary to the nodeID specified. def NearestNbr(dictionary, nodeID): nearest = None dist = -1 for n in dictionary.keys(): d = euclidDist(n,nodeID, self.graph) if d < dist or dist < 0: dist = d nearest = n return nearest # Keep getting random nodes; for each one, grow both trees toward that randomly chosen node for i in range(nodeCount): qRand = nodeList[i] # Create a trajectory between the random node and the nearest neighbor, and traverse it as far as possible. qNbr = NearestNbr(currPathDict, qRand.nid) traj = PathGraph.Trajectory(self.graph, trajectory=[qNbr, qRand.nid]) traj.ConvertToPath() #rndtargnode = self.graph.getNode(qRand.nid)#jrs #print "Random node (end target): ",rndtargnode.getCoordinates(), " ", #jrs #qNbrnode = self.graph.getNode(qNbr)#jrs #print "Nearest nbr on tree (start node of extension): ", qNbrnode.getCoordinates() #jrs #print "Traj: ", #jrs #for anodeID in traj.path: #jrs # anode = self.graph.getNode(anodeID) # jrs # print anode.getCoordinates(), " " #jrs # Draw the new part of the RRT if dictOneCurr: self.DrawList(traj.path, clear=False, color='green') else: self.DrawList(traj.path, clear=False, color='red') # Add the part of the trajectory traversed to the main dictionary for index in range(1, len(traj.path)): nodeID = traj.path[index] currPathDict[nodeID] = traj.path[index-1] # Create a trajectory between the random node and the nearest neightbor in the OTHER dictionary, and traverse it as far as possible. qNbrOther = NearestNbr(otherPathDict, qRand.nid) trajOther = PathGraph.Trajectory(self.graph, trajectory=[qNbrOther, qRand.nid]) trajOther.ConvertToPath() # Draw the new part of the RRT if dictOneCurr: self.DrawList(trajOther.path, clear=False, color='red') else: self.DrawList(trajOther.path, clear=False, color='green') # Add the part of the trajectory traversed to the other dictionary for index in range(1, len(trajOther.path)): nodeID = trajOther.path[index] otherPathDict[nodeID] = trajOther.path[index-1] # If both trajectories reach the goal, then the trees intersect. if traj.completePath and trajOther.completePath: currNodeID = traj.path[-1] self.path = deque([currNodeID]) # Add the path from the start node dictionary while (currNodeID != startID): currNodeID = startPathDictionary[currNodeID] self.path.appendleft(currNodeID) currNodeID = traj.path[-1] # Add the path from the goal node dictionary while (currNodeID != goalID): currNodeID = goalPathDictionary[currNodeID] self.path.append(currNodeID) self.path = list(self.path) return else: # trees have not yet reached same randomly chosen node # Do the swaps! dictSwap = currPathDict currPathDict = otherPathDict otherPathDict = dictSwap dictOneCurr = not dictOneCurr #raw_input('Press the any key to continue! ') #jrs self.path = None