Course Project
As noted in the syllabus, the coursework
will include a course project, which can be either individual or done in
groups of 2-3. The project might be developing a non-trivial application
in a constraint language, extending or even developing a new language, or
presenting and analyzing a set of papers from the literature.
Here are the relevant requirements and due dates.
- Jan 6: please be prepared to describe in class your initial idea about
a project topic (to get an overview of the range of projects and to help
form teams if desired)
- Jan 16, 10pm: project proposal due. This should be a few paragraphs,
and include a title, list of team members, description of the problem,
general approach, and key references. If you are doing a group project,
just turn in one proposal.
- Feb 3: midpoint project presentations in class
- March 10 and 13: final project presentations in class (this is the last
regular day of class, and the final exam slot -- depending on class
enrollment we might only need to use one of these times)
- March 14, 10pm: project report due
The project report should be 5-12 pages, in
ACM SIGPLAN conference
format, and should include the standard material for a research paper
(introduction, related work, bibliography, etc). If you are doing a group
project, just turn in one report.