CSE 599E1 Assignment: Full paper without results
Due: Monday, October 14, 2016; submission dropbox
Turn in a full paper that includes everything except experimental results and sections that depend on it.
This must include, at a minimum:
- Abstract
- Introduction (Motivation, research questions including why they are relevant to ask and the consequences of different outcomes)
- Experiment described from both the point of view of the experimenters and the point of view of the participants. This also includes a list of all independent and dependent variables.
* Pointers to all experimental materials. These could be in an appendix or at a URL.
- Statistical analysis. Describe the analyses you will perform on the data, in particular giving the inputs and the effects you want to measure. If possible, give exact statistical tests; but knowing the inputs and outputs is more important, just when writing a program it is more important to figure out that you need to sort, than to decide which sorting algorithm to use.
Give skeleton tables/graphs, showing at least all column and row headings or axis labels.
- Related work
All of these sections should be complete and well-written enough that:
- you could include this text verbatim in a conference submission, or
- you could give it to someone else who could perform the experiment.
Note that you have already submitted all of these components before; but now you will submit them together, in coherent English prose.
There is no minimum or maximum page limit.