Autumn 2003

Teaching Resources

(Suggestions and additions appreciated)


General Teaching Resources

 Ten Golden Rules for Teaching Computer Science
 A Berkeley Compdendium of Suggestions for Teaching with Excellence

Teaching Tips for Graduate TAs -- Tufts University

Stanford Center for Teaching and Learning

Tomorrow's Professor Listserv

 Computer Science Teaching Center


 Article -- What (else) should CS educators know?

 Article -- Is Teaching Computer Science Different from Teaching Other Sciences?

 Article -- Teaching Computer Science Students How to Work Together

University of Washington Resources

 UW TA Handbook

 Classroom Support Services

 Center for Instructional Development and Research (CIDR)

Center for Engineering Learning and Teaching (CELT)

 Catalyst Tools for Teaching

 U Wired Resources

UW Computer Science & Engineering Resources

 Educational Technology Resources in the CSE Department

 CSE TA Home Page

 Information for CSE Web Page Authoring

 CSE Course Webs

 Steve Wolfman's Opening Stunts

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