Learning and Teaching Styles

CSE590IT 10/30/2001
Instructor: Tammy VanDeGrift
Discussion Notes

Results of Learning Styles Survey

Did you find the results of the learning styles survey surprising?

Most students did not find that their results were surprising. This sparked a discussion about the validity of the survey since the choices for each question are indicative of the particular learning styles. Some students read the article by Felder before taking the survey and found that their knowledge of learning styles altered their responses.

Discussion of Learning Styles Described by Felder

sensing -- These learners are practical, like real world connections, facts, figures, and detailed procedures.

intuitive -- These learners like theories, abstractions, and concepts.

visual -- These learners learn from diagrams, tables, and demonstrations.

verbal -- These learners learn from reading text and listening to teachers.

inductive -- These learners like to see examples prior to learning about a principle or theory.

deductive -- These learners like to see the theory first and then supporting examples.

active -- These learners like group work, learn best by doing, and jump into solving a problem.

reflective -- These learners like to have time to reflect on what they are learning and think things through before trying them out.

sequential -- These learners like information presented in small, connected chunks.

global -- These learners achieve understanding in large steps and like to see the big picture.

Points that came up during the discussion

- People have different learning styles that are dependent upon the domain they are trying to learn (baseball swing versus computer programming).

- There are learning styles that do not fit into any of the above categories (lateral learning as described by Andrei).

- A person can be verbal and visual by seeing pictures in their mind while the teacher is speaking.