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This is a report on the discussion that took place in the class of CSE590IT on 16th October 2001. The class started by Tammy posing a question has to what is the relevance of grading in any course. The answers given by various people were:

On this discussion, one of the students pointed out that many of the things pointed out above can better be done without the grades. Rather one should minimize grading (in this case giving points to students' work). Instead, one can write comments, both explanatory or positively reinforcing, on their answer sheets. This would avoid explicit use of points and thus a certain stratification in the students and at the same time may motivate them for further work as well.

Later a lot of practical issues which come across while grading papers were discussed. Here is a list of prominent of them:

Later an activity was done in which TA's were required to grade a piece of code. And it was observed that the grading process has a lot of subjectivity in it as different people gave different points for the same code.

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Mausam 2001-10-21