CSE 590IT Autumn 2000

Readings and Resources

Handouts List

Every week I'll pass out an article or two on a topic we're discussing or that we will be shortly.

Textbooks (Optional)

These are both terrific books, with similar topic coverage.  The University Bookstore often has them in stock, in the "Education" section on the second floor.

Other Reading

There are tons of books and articles on teaching.  Even the bibliographies could probably be measured in tons.  CIDR has some very good bibliographies which you can pick up in their main office (they don't seem to be on-line anywhere).  The references at the ends of the chapters in the the Davis and McKeachie books are a good way to being exploring sources.


Among the zillions of educational serials, The Chronicle of Higher Education is surely the most widely read among faculty and administrators everywhere.  It regularly has news about teaching: trends, fads, experiences, reviews, controversies, etc.    There's a Chronicle web site, but it doesn't contain the full contents unless you pay for a subscription.   The SIGCSE Bulletin is widely read by computer science educators (more about SIGCSE below).

Professional Societies

The leading professional society is the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).  If you're not a member already, join!   UW has an active student ACM chapter, primarily populated by undergraduates.  The leading organization for computer science educators is a part of the ACM: SIGCSE, the Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education.  They publish a quarterly bulletin, hold an annual convention, and sponsor or co-sponsor a number of regional conferences. Memberships for students are available at special prices. The Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is another organization to which many computer scientists belong

Web Sites

There's lots of stuff on the web.  Here are some of the best jumping off points.

Computer Science Education Links, maintained by Renee McCauley. 

Computer Science Teaching Center by Deborah Knox, which contains only peer-reviewed materials.

Research on CS education is done sporadically at many institutions.  Several of the leading ones include: George Washington U., Uppsala (Sweden), U. Texas at Austin, Georgia Tech.