CSE599 Lecture5: Neurobiology
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Table of Contents
Where do we start?
Church-Turing and neurobiology
Animal brains and information
Communication is a discrete, finite process
Is neuronal computing Turing uncomputable?
Some questions
A starting point
The brain
The brain is specialized by region
The specialization is elementary
Regional activity is problem-dependent
Specialization extends down to single cells
Biology uses relative measures
Biology tackles complexity successively
Successive complexity in the visual system
Biology computes using neurons
Cortex comprises a sheet of neurons
Neurons communicate information
Electrical signaling is analog and discrete
Membranes allow potential differences
Membrane proteins allow current flow
Pore opening is probabilistic and discrete
Ion channels convey signal gain
Neuronal signaling is active
Wiring is active
Neuronal interconnect
Communication between neurons
Signaling at chemical synapses
Freeze-fractured chemical synapse
Synaptic biochemistry
Synaptic plasticity
Measured synaptic modification
Spike correlations convey recognition
Chris Diorio
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