CSE599 Lecture4: Thermodynamics

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Table of Contents

Thermodynamics and CSE599 
Footnote: Algorithmic information 
Computation and physics
Thermodynamics and computation
Thermodynamics and computation (con’t)
Basic thermodynamics
Heat engines
Heat engines (con’t)
The Second Law
Thermodynamic entropy
Maxwell’s Demon
The fuel value of knowledge
An ideal gas
Compressing the gas
A few notes
Free energy and entropy
N = 1
Entropy again
Back to Bennett’s tape
The energy value of knowledge
Feynman’s tape-erasing machine
Maxwell’s Demon: The answer
Thermodynamic cost of a computation
The copy computation
Model and copier
Copy parameters
Copy steps
Thermodynamic cost of copying
Brownian-motion computation
Energy cost versus speed
Energy-driven computation
State transitions
Driving computation by energy differences
Driving computation by state availability
A biological example
RNA polymerase
The process
RNA polymerase is a catalyst
DNA, entropy, and states
Efficiency of a representation
Author: Chris Diorio 

Email: diorio@cs.washington.edu 

Home Page: http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/599/99sp/