CSE591N: Reconfigurable Systems Group

CSE 303 - Mondays 3:30-4:30

For this quarter in 591N we will go over papers nominated for the upcoming "best of FPGA symposium" book. You can find the papers at tcfpga. Come to seminar prepared with 1-2 papers you are interested in, and a date. Note that if you pick a short one (particularly those from the first year, 1992) you should do two.

Schedule and Assignments

Date Leader Paper
March 28 Scott Intro and Organization

April 4 James Signal processing at 250 MHz using high-performance FPGA's
Brian Von Herzen
local copy

April 11 Corey Sequencing run-time reconfigured hardware with software
Michael Wirthlin, Brad Hutchings
local copy

April 18 Andrew Trading quality for compile time: ultra-fast placement for FPGAs
Yaska Sankar, Jonathon Rose
local copy

May 2 Nate Global delay optimization using structural choices
Alan Mishchenko, Robert Brayton, Stephen Jang
local copy

Delay Optimization Using SOP Balancing
Alan Mishchenko, Robert Brayton, Stephen Jang, Victor Kravets
local copy

May 9 Brandon On the sensitivity of FPGA architectural conclusions to experimental assumptions, tools, and techniques
Andy Yan, Rebecca Cheng, Steven Wilton
local copy

May 16 Robin Measuring the gap between FPGAs and ASICs
Ian Kuon, Jonathon Rose
local copy

May 23 Maria High-quality, deterministic parallel placement for FPGAs on commodity hardware
Adrian Ludwin, Vaughn Betz, Ketan Padalia
local copy

1. Authors. Title, Publication, year.
