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University of Washington Department of Computer Science  Engineering 

 CSE 590cc: Configurable Computing Seminar

Description: This seminar will survey some of the current research in configurable computing.  The quarter will start with presentations scheduled during the Winter quarter and continue with presentations of projects and current research papers.  Other research papers may also be discussed.

Monday 2:30-3:20 - LOW 102

Paper Presentations

A more detailed bibliography and links to the papers follows this table.
Remember: Send a question or comment about the paper to the presenter by midnight Sunday.


Papers scheduled to be presented:

Other possible papers:

Portions of the CSE 590cc Web may be reprinted or adapted for academic nonprofit purposes, providing the source is accurately quoted and duly credited. The CSE 590cc Web: © 1993-2000, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington.

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University of Washington 
Box 352350 
Seattle, WA  98195-2350 
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX 
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