Stereo Reconstruction for 3D Panoramas

Speaker Colin Zheng
Date October 20, 2006
Time 3:00PM to 4:00PM
Place GRAIL (CSE 291)


Panoramas are popular, for mainly two reasons, first of all, it has a much larger field of view than normal photographs, thus creating a better viewing experience, and secondly, automatic stitching tools make the process of making panoramas really easy and fast. However, panoramas are flat, in the sense that it captures only the rays from single view point, thus no 3D information is conveyed.

This summer, we try to create panoramas with certain amount of parallax from multi-view stereo reconstruction. More specifically, besides pan and zoom, we try to enhance the viewing experience of a panorama with some extra bits: for instance, one can move from side to side to perceive parallax. We introduce a multi-layered model for our scene, and leverage on the state-of-the-art stereo techniques to solve for each layer automatically. Come to the talk and we will show you how we capture, construct and view such panoramas.

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