This is the Education & Technology Group's weekly meeting and research reading seminar. Goals include sampling current research in CS education and educational technology, learning research methods in these areas, and discussing research efforts within the group. This quarter, we preliminarily plan to choose readings from the following conferences and journals:
We'll be meeting on Wednesdays from 1:30 pm to 2:00 pm in CSE 503, with discussion extending to 2:30 occasionally. (An informal meeting for members of the Education & Technology group precedes the seminar.) Attendees should make sure they are on the 590ED mailing list, which has an archive for list members only. Contact Richard Anderson <anderson at cs> or Ken Yasuhara <yasuhara at cs> for more information.
The proposed readings and topics will be replaced or scheduled at the first meeting. Some of these are more teaching practice-oriented and might be appropriate for 590ET.