CSE 590ED, 2003 Autumn
You should be able to get to this page quickly via URL
www.cs/590ed from most places on campus, or just www/590ed
from any department machine.
Autumn Seminar Topics Schedule
We meet on Tuesday mornings at 11:00 in CSE 503 (a seminar room on
the 5th floor of the Allen Center).
- 30 Sep:
No meeting
- 07 Oct:
We ended up discussing Vibha's experience at
CCSC-NW. Here's some brief
notes. Our plan had been for everyone to skim through the
edtech.bib to find some good nuggets in there that someone slipped
in while you weren't looking.
- 14 Oct:
Discuss alternative, non-computer exercises. Kinesthetic
Learning Activities will be the focus for today. These are
physically engaging CS exercises. Here's some brief
- 21 Oct:
Probably more discussion of alternative CS
exercises, probably including Computer Science
- 28 Oct:
Discussion of alternative CS exercises
continues. Janet wrote an excellent set
of notes on part of the discussion.
- 04 Nov:
- 11 Nov:
Veteran's Day - no meeting.
- 18 Nov:
Tammy and Ken discuss FIE?
- 25 Nov:
Monica discusses the Australian Design conference she mentioned?
- 18 Nov:
- 02 Dec:
- 09 Dec:
Mailing List Archive
Send mail to cse590ed@cs
to reach everyone in the
seminar. Instructions for joining/leaving the list are on the list's mailman page. Past messages are stored in the web
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Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA 98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
[comments to deibel at cs]