TIME: 1:30-2:20 pm, April 29, 2008 PLACE: CSE 503 SPEAKER: Maryam Fazel Dept of Electrical Engineering University of Washington TITLE: Finding Low-rank Matrices via Nuclear Norm Minimization ABSTRACT: In many engineering applications, notions such as order or dimension of a model can be expressed as the rank of an appropriate matrix. To choose simple models, we seek low-rank matrices. For example, a low-rank matrix could correspond to a low-degree statistical model for a random process, or an embedding in a low-dimensional space. The rank minimization problem is known to be NP-hard. This talk discusses a convex relaxation, minimizing the nuclear norm of the matrix. We present recent results on guaranteed recovery of the lowest rank matrix when the constraints are linear equalities and this linear mapping satisfies a restricted isometry condition. This is a generalization of the result by Candes and Tao (2004) from compressed sensing, from the case of sparse vectors to that of low-rank matrices.