TIME: 1:30-2:20 pm,  January 23, 2007


SPEAKER: Amit Chakrabarti
         Dartmouth College

TITLE: Estimating Entropy (and its Friends) on Data Streams

Statistical analysis of large streams of data is an increasingly
important problem in the modern heavily networked world. Over the last
couple of years, a number of researchers have worked on estimating
information-theoretic measures on data streams, motivated by
applications in computer networks and databases.  One particularly
important information-theoretic measure is the empirical entropy of a
data stream. A number of recent research efforts had yielded sub-linear
space algorithms to approximate this quantity.

In this talk, we describe a new algorithm to estimate the empirical
entropy of a stream of $m$ items, read in a single pass, within a
$1\pm\epsilon$ approximation factor, using $O(\eps^{-2} \log m)$ words
of storage space. This improves upon all earlier algorithms for the
problem. It is also considerably simpler than the only previously known
algorithm with $polylog(m)$ space complexity.  We also prove the first
nontrivial lower bound, namely $\Omega(\eps^{-2} / \log(\eps^{-1}))$,
for this problem, proving that our algorithm is near-optimal in terms of
its dependency on $\eps$.  In addition, we prove upper and lower bounds
for approximating related stream statistics such as the entropy norm and
$k$th order entropy.

One key algorithmic technique in our work is a novel extension to a
widely-used method originating with Alon, Matias, and Szegedy (1996).
This technique might be of independent interest.

This is joint work with Graham Cormode and Andrew McGregor.