TIME: 1:30-2:20 pm,  Nov 6, 2007

PLACE: CSE 503  

SPEAKER: Robert Kleinberg
         Cornell University

TITLE:  Online learning algorithms for searching and ranking

This talk discusses some algorithm design problems that
stem from the challenge of using implicit feedback from users
to optimize the ranking of documents in response to a query.
We will first consider the problem of inserting a new document
into its proper position in an already sorted list, using the
feedback from users' clicks.  This can be modeled as a noisy
binary search problem.  We present an algorithm whose query
complexity is information-theoretically optimal, up to a constant
factor.  The second part of the talk considers the problem of
learning a ranking which maximizes utility for a heterogeneous
user population.  We show how this can be formulated as a
generalization of the multi-armed bandit problem, and we give
an algorithm for one special case of the problem (corresponding
to the objective of minimizing abandonment) whose worst-case
performance cannot be improved without violating complexity-theoretic
lower bounds.

The first part of the talk is joint work with Richard Karp.  The
second part is joint work with Thorsten Joachims and Filip