TIME: 1:30-2:20 pm, March 28, 2006 PLACE: CSE 403 TITLE: Distributed Selfish Load Balancing SPEAKER: Petra Berenbrink Simon Fraser University ABSTRACT: Suppose that a set of m tasks are to be shared as equally as possible amongst a set of n resources. A game-theoretic mechanism to find a suitable allocation is to associate each task with a ``selfish agent'', and require each agent to select a resource, with the cost of a resource being the number of agents to select it. Agents would then be expected to migrate from overloaded to underloaded resources, until the allocation becomes balanced. Recent work has studied the question of how this can take place within a distributed setting in which agents migrate selfishly without any centralized control. In this talk we discuss a natural protocol for the agents which combines the following desirable features: It can be implemented in a strongly distributed setting, uses no central control, and has good convergence properties. We show using a martingale technique that the process converges in expected polynamial time. We also give a lower bound for the convergence time, as well as an exponential lower bound (in n) for a variant of this protocol that allows the agents to migrate even if they do not strictly improve their situation. Joint work with Tom Friedetzky, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Paul Goldberg, Zengjian Hu and Russel Martin