Speaker: Frank McSherry Title : A Uniform Approach to PageRank Acceleration Time & Place: 1:30pm, EE1-025 Abstract: In this talk we consider a simple algorithmic alternative to the standard power iteration algorithm for computing the stationary distribution of a Markov chain. The algorithm is based on shifting from the traditional propagation of probability mass (power iteration) to the propagation of changes in probability mass. Each round nodes communicate the difference between their present and previous levels, rather than retransmitting their actual values. This transformation enables several beneficial algorithmic optimizations, including faster convergence, efficient incremental updating, and a robust decentralized implementation. While many of these optimization have existed in the literature in spirit, we observe several cases where this unification simplifies previous work, removing technical complications and extending their range of applicability. We also discuss several optimizations that appear to be novel, and suggest directions for further investigation.