Title: Algorithms for Wavelength Assignment Speaker: Vijay Kumar, Amazon.com Time & Venue: 1:30pm, Apr 26, EE1-025. Abstract: I will present some recent work with Atri Rudra on approximation algorithms for Fiber Minimization and related resource allocation problems in optical networks. The basic problem involves minimizing the amount of resource (optical fiber) required to meet a given set of demands in a linear optical network. This resolves an open problem posed by Winkler and Zhang in SODA 2003. This problem is related to the familiar Dynamic Storage Allocation problem. I will describe an interesting greedy algorithm due to Gergov that is a 3-approximation for DSA. I will outline the [unpublished] performance analysis of this greedy algorithm, which I find elegant and independently interesting. With some changes, this algorithm can be converted into a 2-approximation for Fiber Minimization. The recent work of Buchsbaum et al (STOC 2003) on DSA can be used to derive an approximation ratio arbitrarily close to $1$ for most instances of Fiber Minimization. Time permitting, I will briefly talk about some Combinatorial Optimization problems I have encountered at Amazon.com .