From: Venkatesan Guruswami (
Date: Thu Jan 15 2004 - 21:37:32 PST
CSE Theory Seminar
TIME: Friday, Jan 23, 2:30-3:20PM
SPEAKER: Ryan O'Donnell
IAS, Princeton
TITLE: Analysis of Boolean Functions
The analysis of boolean functions is an emerging field in theoretical
computer science and harmonic analysis. The basic objects of study are
functions mapping the boolean cube {-1,+1}^n into {-1,+1} or R, where
{-1,+1}^n is endowed with the uniform probability measure and its natural
graph structure. The concepts and ideas involved include Fourier analysis,
the influence of variables, noise sensitivity and average sensitivity, the
Bonami-Beckner inequality, ``juntas,'' log-Sobolev inequalities, and
monotonicity, among others.
In addition to being a mathematically elegant area of study, the analysis of
boolean functions has become as a powerful tool for many important areas of
computer science and combinatorics -- especially in the fields of hardness
of approximation, computational learning theory, coding theory, testing,
isoperimetry, circuit complexity, and complexity theory.
In this talk I will give an introduction to the analysis of boolean
functions, including its history and connections to other fields. I will
then present some of my own work on the subject and its computer science
applications, including the following: new efficient learning algorithms
for DNF and functions of thresholds [Klivans-O-Servedio-02,
Bshouty-Mossel-O-Servedio-03] ; hardness amplification with NP [O-02,
Mossel-O-02a] ; ``error-correcting'' truly random bits [Mossel-O-02b] and a
new isoperimetric result via a reverse Bonami-Beckner inequality
[Mossel-O-Regev-Sudakov-03] ; new views/proofs for the theorems of KKL,
Talagrand, and Friedgut [Kindler-O-0?] ; an intriguing new attack on the
hardness of approximating MAX-CUT [Kindler-Mossel-O-0?].
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