Bypassing the Embedding: Algorithms for low dimensional metrics. Speaker: Kunal Talwar, MSR The doubling dimension of a metric is the smallest $k$ such that any ball of radius $2r$ in the metric can be covered using $2^k$ balls of radius $r$. This concept for abstract metrics has been proposed as a natural analog to the dimension of a Euclidean space. If we could embed metrics with low doubling dimension into low dimensional Euclidean spaces, they would inherit several algorithmic and structural properties of the Euclidean spaces. Unfortunately however, such a restriction on dimension does not suffice to guarantee embeddibility. In this talk, we'll explore the option of bypassing the embedding for several applications. We'll derive results analogous to Euclidean spaces for low dimensional abstract metric spaces. In particular, we'll show that low dimensional abstract spaces admit: quasipolynomial time approximation scheme for various optimization problems including the TSP; short approximate distance labels; compact approximate shortest path routing schemes.