Write a research proposal. This should not be a narrative of work you have done in the past, but a proposal about one specific project. Your proposal should lays out the need for the project, the benefits of a solution, how your approach differs from previous work, and why your approach may succeed.
This proposal should be 1-2 pages. Please bring 3 copies to class.
Here is an example proposal. Your proposal should have a descriptive title and your name, though.
If you cannot think of a research project that you would like to perform, then write a proposal for your current research project. If you are not currently working on a project, then write a proposal for a project you have done in the past. If you understand your goals or current project, this should be quick to write. If you do not understand them, then this assignment will yield great benefits for your work, beyond the class.
If you are in the midst of applying for a fellowship, then you may use the same document, so long as it fits in the guidelines above. Optionally, you may submit your personal statement for feedback as well.