We'll be reading and discussing exciting recent papers from the programming languages community.
Participants should subscribe to the 590p mailing list. Note the list also has many current and former department members interested in programming languages.
Some paper links may point into the ACM Digital Library or the Springer online collection. Using a UW IP address, or the UW libraries' off-campus access, should provide access.
Date | Paper | Presenter |
Dec 4 |
Isolation for Nested Task Parallelism
Jisheng Zhao, Roberto Lublinerman, Zoran Budimlic´, Swarat Chaudhuri, Vivek Sarkar OOPSLA 13 |
Brandon Holt Paul Vines |
Nov 27 |
Static Analysis for Probabilistic Programs: Inferring Whole Program Properties from Finitely Many Paths Sriram Sankaranarayanan, Aleksandar Chakarov, Sumit Gulwani PLDI 13 |
Adrian Sampson Pavel Panchekha |
Nov 20 |
P: Safe Asynchronous Event-Driven Programming
Ankush Desai, Vivek Gupta, Ethan Jackson, Shaz Qadeer, Sriram Rajamani, Damien Zufferey PLDI 13 |
Eric Reed Kirill Kobelev |
Nov 13 |
Verifying Quantitative Reliability for Programs that Execute on Unreliable Hardware
Michael Carbin, Sasa Misailovic, and Martin C. Rinard OOPSLA 13 |
Todd Schiller Calvin Loncaric |
Nov 6 |
Taking Off the Gloves with Reference Counting Immix
Rifat Shahriyar, Stephen M. Blackburn, Kathryn S. McKinley, Xi Yang. OOPSLA 13 |
Konstantin Weitz Suha Orhun Mutluergil |
Oct 30 |
The Latency, Accuracy, and Battery (LAB) Abstraction: Programmer Productivity and Energy Efficiency for Continuous Mobile Context Sensing Aman Kansal, Scott Saponas, A.J. Bernheim Brush, Kathryn S. McKinley, Todd Mytkowicz, and Ryder Ziola OOPSLA 13 |
Darioush Jalali Edward Wu |
Oct 23 |
OCTET: Capturing and Controlling Cross-Thread Dependences Efficiently
Michael D. Bond, Milind Kulkarni, Man Cao, Minjia Zhang, Meisam Fathi Salmi, Swarnendu Biswas, Aritra Sengupta, and Jipeng Huang OOPSLA 13 |
Ben Wood James Wilcox |
Oct 16 |
Machine-Verified Network Controllers
Arjun Guha, Mark Reitblatt, Nate Foster PLDI 13 |
Eric Mullen Doug Woos |
Oct 9 |
Towards Optimization-Safe Systems: Analyzing the Impact of Undefined Behavior
Xi Wang, Nickolai Zeldovich, M. Frans Kaashoek, and Armando Solar-Lezama SOSP 13 |
Alex Polozov Stuart Pernsteiner |
Oct 2 |
Parallel Schedule Synthesis for Attribute Grammars
Leo A. Meyerovich, Matthew E. Torok, Eric Atkinson, Rastislav Bodík PPoPP 13 |
Tom Bergan Sai Zhang |
Sep 26 | Organization | Zach Tatlock |