CSE590N: Software Engineering Seminar
We meet Monday, 3:30-4:20, in room CSE 303.
Spring 2012 schedule:
- March 26
The Promises and Perils of Mining Git
by Christian Bird, Peter C. Rigby, Earl T. Barr, David J. Hamilton, Daniel M. German, and Prem Devanbu.
Presenter: Yuriy Brun
- April 2
A Practical Guide for Using Statistical Tests to Assess Randomized Algorithms in Software Engineering by Andrea Arcuriand and Lionel Briand.
Presenter: Todd Schiller
- April 9
Leveraging Test Generation and Specification Mining for Automated Bug Detection Without False Positives by Michael Pradel and Thomas Gross
Presenter: Sai Zhang
- April 16
Is It Dangerous to Use Version Control Histories to Study Source Code Evolution? by Stas Negara, Mohsen Vakilian, Nicholas Chen, Ralph E. Johnson, and Danny Dig.
Presenter: Jochen Wuttke
- April 23
Inferring Class Level Specifications for Distributed Systems by Sandeep Kumar, Siau-Cheng Khoo, Abhik Roychoudhury, and David Lo
Presenter: Ivan Beschastnikh
- April 30
Automated Oracle Creation Support, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Fault Propagation and Love Mutation Testing by Matt Staats, Gregory Gay, and Mats Heimdahl
Presenter: Tom Bergan
- May 7
- Improving Early Detection of Software Merge Conflicts by Mario Guimaraes and Antonio Silva
Presenter: Kivanc Muslu
- May 14
Finding and Understanding Bugs in C Compilers by Xuejun Yang, Yang Chen, Eric Eide, and John Regehr
Presenter: Colin Gordon
- May 21
BugRedux: Reproducing Field Failures for In-house Debugging by Wei Jin and Alessandro Orso
Presenter: Brian Burg
- May 28
No class: Memorial Day
Potential paper list:
- Amplifying Tests to Validate Exception Handling Code by Pingyu Zhang and Sebastian Elbaum.
- On the Naturalness of Software by Abram Hindle, Earl Barr, Mark Gabel, Zhendong Su, and Premkumar Devanbu
- Constraint-Based Refactoring with Foresight by Friedrich Steimann and Jens Von Pilgrim
- A Systematic Study of Automated Program Repair: Fixing 55 out of 105 Bugs for $8 Each by Claire Le Goues, Michael Dewey-Vogt, Stephanie Forrest, and Westley Weimer
- Automatically Finding Performance Problems with Feedback-Directed Learning Software Testing by Mark Grechanik, Chen Fu, and Qing Xie
- make test-zesti: A Symbolic Execution Solution for Improving Regression Testing by Paul Marinescu and Cristian Cadar
- BALLERINA: Automatic Generation and Clustering of Efficient Random Unit Tests for Multithreaded Code by Adrian Nistor, Qingzhou Luo, Michael Pradel, Thomas Gross, and Darko Marinov
- Concurrent Data Representation Synthesis by Peter Hawkins, Alex Aiken, Kathleen Fisher, Martin Rinard, and Mooly Sagiv
- Finding Loop-Invariant Data Structures by Guoqing Xu, Dacong Yan, by Atanas Rountev
- Evaluating the Design of the R Language by Floreal Morandat, Brandon Hill, Leo Osvald, Jan Vitek
- PQL: A Purely-Declarative Java Extension for Parallel Programming by Christoph Reichenbach, Yannis Smaragdakis, Neil Immerman
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