CSE590N: Software Engineering Seminar

Instructors: Michael Ernst and David Notkin

In Spring 2009, the 590N Software Engineering Seminar will meet Tuesdays from 2:30 to 3:20 in room CSE 678, and will split its time between two topics:

Don't forget to sign up for the 590n mailing list.


Mar 31 Organizational meeting
Apr 7 Holmes: Effective Statistical Debugging via Efficient Path Profiling (Trishul Chilimbi, Ben Liblit, Krishna Mehra, Aditya Nori, Kapil Vaswani) Mike
Apr 14 Equality and Hashing for (almost) Free: Generating Implementations from Abstraction Functions (Derek Rayside, Zev Benjamin, Rishabh Singh, Joseph P. Near, Aleksandar Milicevic, Daniel Jackson) Ben W
Apr 21 (Notkin and Ernst at Microsoft.)
Apr 28 Martin Robillard speaks
May 5 Research brainstorming
May 12 Research brainstorming
May 19 (ICSE starts tomorrow, some people are probably gone.)
May 26 Do Code Clones Matter? (Elmar Juergens, Florian Deissenboeck, Benjamin Hummel, Stefan Wagner)
Jun 2 Does Distributed Development Affect Software Quality? An Empirical Case Study of Windows Vista (Christian Bird, Nachiappan Nagappan, Premkumar Devanbu, Harald Gall, Brendan Murphy)

Possible bonus papers:

The Secret Life of Bugs: Going Past the Errors and Omissions in Software Repositories (Jorge Aranda, Gina Venolia)

Automatically Capturing Source Code Context of NL-Queries for Software Maintenance and Reuse (Emily Hill, Lori Pollock, K. Vijay-Shanker)