CSE590M Virtual and Augmented Reality Seminar

Winter 2017

Time: Wednesdays, 3:30 - 4:30 PM
Location: EE031
Organizers: Eric Whitmire, Edward Zhang, Brian Curless
Mailing list: cse590m_wi18@uw.edu

This interdisciplinary reading group focuses on recent research development in virtual and augmented reality. The goal of the seminar is to bring together researchers from different areas of computer science in order to gain familiarity with the various research challenges involved in this field.


Each week will feature a different subfield and two people will be asigned as discussion leads. Discussion leads will choose a paper for the week and prepare a short (~15 minute) overview of the research challenges in that field. They will then lead a discussion of the paper.


Introduction and Organizational Meeting - (Eric Whitmire, Edward Zhang)

Haptics - (Eric Whitmire, Vardhman Mehta)
Grabity: A Wearable Haptic Interface for Simulating Weight and Grasping in Virtual Reality (Choi, et al, UIST'17)
Read on NB       Slides

Graphics and Vision - (Jeannette Yu, Huaye Li)
Casual 3D Photography (Hedman, et al, SIGGRAPH Asia'17)
Read on NB       Slides

Current Research at UW

Display Tech / Computational Optics - (Xuan Luo, Edward Zhang)
Near-Eye Varifocal Augmented Reality Display using See-Through Screens (Akşit, et al, SIGGRAPH Asia'17)
Read on NB       Slides

Input and Interaction - (Divye Jain, Tony Tung)
DodecaPen: Accurate 6DoF Tracking of a Passive Stylus (Wu, et al, UIST'17)
Read on NB      

Perception - (Amrita Mazumdar)
ChromaBlur: Rendering Chromatic Eye Aberration Improves Accommodation and Realism (Cholewiak, et al, ACM TOG'17)
Read on NB       Slides

Audio - (James Noeckel, Isaac Ahn)
Precomputed Acceleration Noise for Improved Rigid-Body Sound (Chadwick, et al, SIGGRAPH'12)
Read on NB      

VR Filmmaking - (Barbara Mones)

Paper Suggestions

Computational Optics and New Display Technologies Graphics Haptics Perception Input and Interaction Computer Vision Avatars Audio