Welcome to students-only networks seminar. We're meeting at 1:30pm Monday, CSE203
We'll be discussing papers from conferences like SIGCOMM, NSDI, Mobicom, HotNets, SOSP/OSDI, CoNEXT, Ubicomp, Sensys, and so on.
Papers will be suggested and scheduled via issues on this Github page. Please suggest a paper to present by creating a "New issue", and indicate your interest in existing proposals via comments. We recommend using the "Watch" button in the upper right corner of the page to receive notifications when people have proposed or commented on new papers.
Date | Leader | Paper |
10/19 | Paul & Anna | Multi-Context TLS (mcTLS): Enabling Secure In-Network Functionality in TLS (SIGCOMM '15) |
10/26 | Ray & Anna | Encore: Lightweight Measurement of Web Censorship with Cross-Origin Requests (SIGCOMM '15) |
11/2 | Naveen & Danyang | E2: A Framework for NFV Applications (SOSP '15) |
11/9 | Adam, Ray, Anna | Alibi Routing (SIGCOMM '15) |
11/16 | Karthik, Twitter | Heron: Stream Processing at Scale (SIGMOD '15) |
11/23 | Probably cancelled, security lab student meeting | |
11/30 | TBD | Cancelled, security lab meeting |
12/7 | Colin | Analyzing Protocol Implementations for Interoperability (NSDI '15) |
12/14 | Matt Calder, USC | Anycast CDN (IMC '15) |
Contact Ray (ryscheng@cs) or Anna (aksimpso@cs) if you have any questions.
General course information and links to pages for earlier quarters is here.