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Wednesdays @ 11:30-12:20, EE1 031
This quarter we are running 590nl as shadow PC for NSDI. Each week, we'll pick one or two papers to discuss. Everyone in the class will submit a review of the paper at least 1 hour prior to the class meeting. We'll then discuss the papers' strengths and weaknesses, concluding with a vote on whether the paper should be accepted or rejected.
These papers are being used for the class with the authors' permission, and class participants are bound by the same responsibilities as regular reviewers; talk to the instructor if any of the outlined responsibilities are unclear. To preserve anonymity and confidentiality, paper distribution is restricted to those registered for the class. You may not discuss these papers with anyone who is not part of the class. Send email to tom[at]cs.washington.edu if you are registered for the class but don't have access to the shadow conference site.
The shadow conference site is here.
Paper Schedule
Date | Paper #s |
10/8 | 170, 176 |
10/15 | 31, 51 |
10/22 | 23, 86 |
10/29 | 44, 88 |
11/5 | 145, 159 |
11/12 | 55, 126 |
11/19 | 74, 93 |
11/26 | 106, 120 |
12/3 | 129, 138 |
12/10 | 157, 166 |
We will use the cse590nl@cs mailing list for announcements. Visit http://mailman.cs.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/cse590nl to subscribe. Since this is a public mailing list, do not discuss papers on this list. Read the archives for what you missed.
Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195-2350 (206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX [comments to ratul] |