I will have certainly missed many good references so
if you have some please email me (thanks to all those who have already sent me recommendations).
-Eytan Adar, December, 2006 (some links updated Apr. 2009)
Area Specific
While the sources below are biased by a particular discipline's world view, they generally have something useful for everyone.
- Chair's Message, Rick Snodgrass
A discussion on Least Publishable Units (LPU).
- The Specificity Factor, Stefano Ceri, Peter Apers, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, Richard Snodgrass, and Paolo Atzeni,
- Instructions for Reviewers - VLDB 2001
- An Interview with David DeWitt
- Impact of Double-Blind Reviewing on SIGMOD Publication Rates, Samuel Madden and David DeWitt
- Impact of Double Blind Reviewing on SIGMOD Publication:
A More Detailed Analysis, Anthony Tung
- How to Get Even with Database Conference Program Committees, Frank Manola (anyone have a copy?)
Software Engineering
- How to Present a Paper in Theoretical Computer Science:
A Speaker's Guide for Students,
Ian Parberry
- A Guide for New Referees in Theoretical Computer Science,
Ian Parberry
This is actually a great general paper for all CS disciplines, but some of the examples are targetted at the theory literature. A related form is also available (though this greatly varies by discipline, reviewing software, PC, venue, etc.)
- Lance Fortnow's Blog
A very general source about theory news, but has some interesting discussions on research methods such as "Quality versus Quantity," and "Theory and Systems."
- Some Hints on Mathematical Style, David Goss
Writing a Math Phase Two Paper, Steven L. Kleiman
- Advice to a Beginning Graduate Student, Manuel Blum
Somewhat more general than just theory, but makes some theory references.
- Essays and Opinions by Oded Goldreich,
Anything from Critique of some trends in the TCS community to a post On "rejection"
More Resources
Other Long Lists (OLLs) & More General Advice
A Letter to Research Students, Duane A. Bailey
- Graduate School Superstars
Short. The gist: be visible, willing to work hard, reflect program values, have a true interest in research, develop relationship with a mentor.
- Research Methods in CS, Course in Oregon State
- Jason Hong's Advice Page
- Advice Collection
A really long list at PSU.
- Graduate Research, Writing, and Careers in Computer Science
A very long list of resources and references.
- The Researcher's Bible, Alan Bundy, Ben du Boulay, Jim Howe and Gordon Plotkin
- Jeff Offutt's Lectures for PhD Courses
- Douglas Comer's Essays
Thesis & Paper Writing
Philosophy of CS
- EWD 709: My hopes of computing science E. Dijkstra
- On the role of scientific thought. E. Dijkstra
- Turing Award Lectures,
Though these tend not to be heavy on advice to graduate students, they have lots of life lessons on success and failure.
- You and Your Research, Richard Hamming
In the same vein as above
- Technology and Courage,
Ivan Sutherland
- Should Computer Scientists Experiment More? 16 Reasons to Avoid Experimentation, Walter Tichy
Again, a slight SE bias
- Experimental Evaluation in Computer Science: A Quantitative Study, Paul Lukowicz, Ernst A. Heinz, Lutz Prechelt, and Walter F. Tichy
Lots of useful references to other sources, esp. Peter Denning's series of papers on Experimental Computer Science
- The Computer Scientist as Toolsmith II, Fred Brooks
Fred brooks acceptance speech for the Allen Newell Award. The Science/Engineering dichotomy
For Later
- Advice for New Faculty Members, Robert Boice
The recommendation I received was that the first 1/3 was worth reading and then it gets a little repetitive.
Last updated: Dec. 29, 2006