CSE 590H - Autumn 2004 Schedule
CSE 590H Autumn Quarter home page
Here is the schedule for CSE 590H for autumn quarter.
When easily available, we've linked to publicly accessible versions of the
otherwise the link will be to the ACM Digital Library. UW has a site
license for this library. From machines on the campus network or dialed in
via the C&C modems, you can follow the links without further ado. From
off-campus, connect to the ACM Digital Library via the UW
Libraries Proxy Server, then paste the URL for the paper into the web form.
Presenters: the faculty mentor for each presentation is listed - please
discuss your presentation with the faculty member in advance. Thanks!
October 5
- Administrivia; signing up presenters for the rest of the quarter
- Steve Love, Mark Perry. "Dealing with Mobile Conversations in Public Spaces: Some Implications for the Design of Socially Intrusive
Technologies," short paper, CHI 2004. PDF
(via ACM Digital Library)
October 12: Digital Home
- W. Keith Edwards and Rebecca E. Grinter, “At Home with Ubiquitous Computing: Seven Challenges,” UBICOMP 2001, pp. 256-272.
(James Landay, faculty mentor) PDF
October 19: Participatory Design - Case Studies
- Mike Wu, Brian Richards, and Ron Baecker, "Participatory Design with
Individuals who have Amnesia," Proceedings of the 2004 Participatory
Design Conference (full papers). (Alan Borning, faculty mentor) PDF
(via ACM Digital Library)
October 26: Participatory Design - Methodology
- Jonathan Grudin and John Pruitt, "Personas, Participatory Design and Product Development: An Infrastructure for Engagement," Proceedings of the 2004 Participatory
Design Conference. (Alan Borning, faculty mentor) PDF
- Kari Rönkkö et al., "Personas is not Applicable: Local Remedies
Interpreted in a Wider Context," Proceedings of the 2004 Participatory
Design Conference (full papers). PDF
(via ACM Digital Library)
November 2: Sketching
- C. Alvardado
and R. Davis, "SketchREAD: A Multi-Domain Sketch Recognition Engine," UIST 2004.
(Richard Anderson, faculty mentor) PDF
Optional: L. Kara and T. Stahovich, "Hierarchical Parsing and Recognition of Hand-Sketched Diagrams,"
UIST 2004. PDF
November 9: Pen-based UI
- G. Aptiz and
F. Guimbreitiere, "CrossY: A Crossing-Based Drawing Application," UIST 2004.
(Richard Anderson, faculty mentor) PDF;
CrossY web site (has a link
to the quicktime movie at the bottom of the page)
- Optional: J. Accot and S. Zhai, "More than dotting the i's - foundations for crossing-based interfaces,
" CHI 2002, PDF
November 16: Multimodal UIs
- S. Oviatt, “Multimodal Interfaces,” In The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002.
(James Landay, faculty mentor) PDF
November 23: Information Management
- Victoria Belloti, et al., "What A To-Do: Studies of Task Management Towards the Design of a Personal Task List Manager," CHI 2004.
(Alan Borning, faculty mentor) PDF (via ACM Digital Library
November 30: Physical UIs
- S. Greenberg and C. Fitchett, “Phidgets: Easy Development of Physical Interfaces through Physical Widgets,” UIST 2001, pp. 209-18.
(James Landay, faculty mentor) PDF
December 7: Input
- G. Ramos, M. Boulos, and R. Balakrishnan, "Pressure Widgets," CHI 2004.
(Richard Anderson, faculty mentor) PDF
- discussion and selection of papers for Winter Quarter